籲民眾別在泳池留「痕跡」 美國CDC曝超狂動畫看板

<p>The US CDC recently released a gif advising people not swim when experiencing diarrhea, leaving many nauseous. (Photo courtesy of US CDC/Twitter and Shutterstock)</p>

The US CDC recently released a gif advising people not swim when experiencing diarrhea, leaving many nauseous. (Photo courtesy of US CDC/Twitter and Shutterstock)

【看CP學英文】美國疾病管制與預防中心 (U.S. CDC) 一向善用推特呼籲民眾接種疫苗、更新疫情資訊或是提供健康資訊。

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has long relied on Twitter to encourage public vaccination, give updates on the pandemic, and provide health-related information.


However, a recent graphic tweet from the CDC advising people against “swimming if sick with diarrhea” along with a GIF illustrating a girl leaving a brown trail behind after sliding on a waterslide has left online users in stitches.


“Don’t swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool,” indicated the tweet, warning people about the catastrophic consequences of such behavior.


The animated tweet immediately received widespread attention and went viral online with more than 2,000 comments.

Social media users quickly piled on the discussion of whether the GIF was necessary with one tweeting that he actually related to the tweet due to a similar encounter.

Yet, most users sarcastically replied: “Thanks for the poop slide gif CDC.”

One unfortunate social media user remarked on how they had encountered a similar occurrence in the pool. (Screengrab from Twitter)
One unfortunate social media user remarked on how they had encountered a similar occurrence in the pool. (Screengrab from Twitter)

Others poked fun at the tweet questioning, “What if everyone in the pool is wearing a mask?”

Some also commented, “Eagerly awaiting the CDC guidance on playing baseball with diarrhea.”


Unfazed, the CDC posted another tweet the next day reiterating that “diarrhea and swimming don’t mix” and emphasizing the importance of healthy swimming.

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