紅毛猩猩伸出「猿」手 解救受困管理員

<p>一隻瀕臨絕種的紅毛猩猩向在水中的男子伸出援手。An endangered orangutan extends a helping hand to a man in the water(圖/翻攝自BoredPanda)</p>

一隻瀕臨絕種的紅毛猩猩向在水中的男子伸出援手。An endangered orangutan extends a helping hand to a man in the water(圖/翻攝自BoredPanda)

一隻瀕臨絕種的紅毛猩猩向在水中的男子伸出援手。An endangered orangutan extends a helping hand to a man in the water(圖/翻攝自BoredPanda)
一隻瀕臨絕種的紅毛猩猩向在水中的男子伸出援手。An endangered orangutan extends a helping hand to a man in the water(圖/翻攝自BoredPanda)


A geologist from India recently witnessed an orangutan extending a helping hand to a man in the water while on a trip in Borneo, Indonesia. The moment was captured on his camera and later shared on Instagram, winning the hearts of millions of viewers.

據外媒報導,攝影師普拉巴卡(Anil Prabhakar)當時在印尼婆羅洲紅毛猩猩生存基金會 (Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation)的森林保育區內。管理員接獲有蛇出沒,潛入水中捕抓。

According to various media, photographer Anil Prabhakar was at the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation facility for endangered orangutans when one of the wardens received a report of snakes in the area and went in the water to clear them.


The warden was momentarily stuck in the muddy and flowing water when the orangutan extended a hand to the man, seemingly offering help.


Prabhakar quickly captured the moment on his camera. He shared with the media that because orangutans are considered wildlife, the warden didn’t approach the animal.


After Prabhakar posted the picture on Instagram, many users deemed the moment touching and expressed that humans had a lot to learn from it.

普拉巴卡將照片貼在IG上後,許多網友表示被猩猩的善意感動,呼籲大家應該向牠看齊。After Prabhakar posted the picture on Instagram, many users deemed the moment touching and expressed that humans had a lot to learn from it.(IG/Anil Prabhakar)
普拉巴卡將照片貼在IG上後,許多網友表示被猩猩的善意感動,呼籲大家應該向牠看齊。After Prabhakar posted the picture on Instagram, many users deemed the moment touching and expressed that humans had a lot to learn from it.(IG/Anil Prabhakar)


In fact, the warden was clearing the waters of snakes because of the threat they pose to orangutans as snakes are the natural enemies of orangutans.

印尼婆羅洲紅毛猩猩生存基金會總經理Jamartin Sihite告訴雅加達報社其實那隻紅毛猩猩,名阿妮 (Anih)和水裡的員工西雅羅 (Syahrul) 已是三十年的舊識了。

Jamartin Sihite, the chief executive officer of the BOSF, confirmed to The Jakarta Post that the orangutan, Anih, has known the warden, Syahrul, since the 1990s.


Though the picture seemed to show Anih offering help to Syahrul, Sihite said that based on experience, the orangutan was probably just asking for food.

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