經濟弱勢移民無力辦喪事怎辦? 賽珍珠基金會執行長訪談一次聽

<p>賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲女士參與新移民看台灣節目。(圖/賽珍珠基金會提供)|Hsiao Hsiu-ling (蕭秀玲), the CEO of The Pearl S. Buck Foundation (賽珍珠基金會) joined the latest episode of Podcast show “Taiwan Made Simple”. (photo courtesy/ The Pearl S. Buck foundation)</p>

賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲女士參與新移民看台灣節目。(圖/賽珍珠基金會提供)|Hsiao Hsiu-ling (蕭秀玲), the CEO of The Pearl S. Buck Foundation (賽珍珠基金會) joined the latest episode of Podcast show “Taiwan Made Simple”. (photo courtesy/ The Pearl S. Buck foundation)

賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲女士參與新移民看台灣節目。(圖/賽珍珠基金會提供)|Hsiao Hsiu-ling (蕭秀玲), the CEO of The Pearl S. Buck Foundation (賽珍珠基金會) joined the latest episode of Podcast show “Taiwan Made Simple”. (photo courtesy/ The Pearl S. Buck foundation)
賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲女士參與新移民看台灣節目。(圖/賽珍珠基金會提供)|Hsiao Hsiu-ling (蕭秀玲), the CEO of The Pearl S. Buck Foundation (賽珍珠基金會) joined the latest episode of Podcast show “Taiwan Made Simple”. (photo courtesy/ The Pearl S. Buck foundation)


The Qingming Festival is a time when people return to their hometowns for tomb sweeping, however, as the festival approaches, one couldn’t help but wonder, how the economically disadvantaged immigrants organize funerals or bury their relatives? How do those traumatized by the death of their loved ones seek help to get through these difficult times?

These are the questions that Hsiao Hsiu-ling (蕭秀玲), the CEO of The Pearl S. Buck Foundation (賽珍珠基金會) discussed in the latest episode of Podcast show “Taiwan Made Simple” (新移民看台灣) in which she provided insights on such issues based on her abundant experience in helping new migrants in Taiwan.


In the episode, Hsiao Hsiu-ling also discussed in detail with the hosts the problems faced by immigrant women after their arrival in Taiwan.

The topics range from conflict with their mothers-in-law, domestic violence, cultural and linguistic maladjustment, as well as and the difficulties in becoming financially independent, allowing the audience to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the struggles these women had to deal with.


In addition, Hsiao Hsiu-ling shared with the audience many of the organization’s valuable service experiences and her observations on the change in their circumstances over the past decades as well as how the immigrant community grew to become Taiwan’s rising soft power.

四方報於近期推出Podcast平台【新移民看台灣】,邀請在台新住民、非營利組織工作者上節目進行分享,提供關於新住民、移工議題的洞見,並點出台灣移民的困境。《EP02|清明節到!無力辦喪事的新移民怎辦?來聽聽賽珍珠基金會執行長怎麼說Ft. 賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲》!

Taiwan’s online media 4-way Voice has recently launched a podcast named, “Taiwan Made Simple,” where immigrants, as well as NGO workers, share insights on relevant issues considering Taiwan’s migrants, highlighting the hardships faced by the community.

連結|Links to the Podcasts

Soundon:《EP02|清明節到!無力辦喪事的新移民怎辦?來聽聽賽珍珠基金會執行長怎麼說Ft. 賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲》

Spotify:《EP02|清明節到!無力辦喪事的新移民怎辦?來聽聽賽珍珠基金會執行長怎麼說Ft. 賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲》

KKBOX:《EP02|清明節到!無力辦喪事的新移民怎辦?來聽聽賽珍珠基金會執行長怎麼說Ft. 賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲》

Listen Notes:《EP02|清明節到!無力辦喪事的新移民怎辦?來聽聽賽珍珠基金會執行長怎麼說Ft. 賽珍珠基金會執行長蕭秀玲》


財團法人台北市賽珍珠基金會介紹】|About 【The Pearl S. Buck Foundation

財團法人台北市賽珍珠基金會自 1968 年成立以來,秉持美國諾貝爾文學獎及普立茲小說獎得主賽珍珠女士( Pearl S. Buck )創會宗旨「幫助世界各地未被妥善照顧、亟待救援的兒童」以臺美混血兒及單親弱勢兒童為主要服務對象; 2000 年起,有鑑於新住民大幅增加,賽珍珠基金會遂開始提供新住民子女及其家庭全面性、系統性服務,協助台灣新住民家庭,超越文化差異,建立美滿婚姻,進而使下一代快樂的成長學習。

Since its founding in 1968, The Pearl S. Buck Foundation has been dedicated to “helping underprivileged children around the world who are in need of rescue”, a mission launched by Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Pearl S. Buck, who was also the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The Taipei branch of the foundation started out helping mainly Taiwanese-American mixed-race children and those coming from a one-parent family.

Since 2000, in light of the significant increase in the number of new immigrants, the foundation began providing comprehensive and systematic services for new immigrant children and their families, with the goal of transcending cultural differences and establishing a happy marriage, so that the next generation can grow up and learn happily.

如想更瞭解本會相關資訊歡迎至本會官網(網址:https://reurl.cc/a57ad4 )及臉書搜尋【財團法人台北市賽珍珠基金會

For more information on The Pearl S. Buck Foundation, please visit their website https://reurl.cc/a57ad4 or search 【財團法人台北市賽珍珠基金會】on Facebook.