網瘋傳「台版最後的晚餐」 老外崩潰:八仙過海?

<p>Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui (Courtesy of @frajds/Twitter)</p>

Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui (Courtesy of @frajds/Twitter)


A seemingly usual Catholic Church in Taiwan, boasting a bold mixture of Western elements and Chinese culture, has created a buzz on Twitter recently.


One could inadvertently walk pass Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui, Tainan assuming it to be a Taoist temple that is ubiquitous in Taiwan. Yet, be prepared to be flabbergasted when you enter the church.

鹽水天主神聖堂|Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui (Courtesy of @frajds/Twitter)
鹽水天主神聖堂|Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui (Courtesy of @frajds/Twitter)


Built under the direction of Father Eusebius in 1986, the Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui is filled with Chinese-style decorations and murals aimed at appealing to the locals, most of whom knew nothing about Catholicism at that time.

Thanks to the effort of Father Eusebius, countless local people have been baptized and became Catholics.


The exterior of the church is swathed with the color of vibrant red, which is deemed as an auspicious sign by the Chinese culture.

The interior design is as colorful as most Buddhist and Taoist temples. A mural depicting the Trinity also bears much of a resemblance to Buddha.

A tremendous incense bowl burns where the Chinese place incense sticks to signal their prayers is further arranged in front of the altar.

在中國文化中,紅色象徵著喜氣,鹽水天主神聖堂的外觀滿是紅色,而內部設計也如佛教和道教的寺廟一般,色彩繽紛華麗。|The exterior of the church is swathed with the color of vibrant red, which is deemed as an auspicious sign by the Chinese culture. (Courtesy of @frajds/Twitter)
在中國文化中,紅色象徵著喜氣,鹽水天主神聖堂的外觀滿是紅色,而內部設計也如佛教和道教的寺廟一般,色彩繽紛華麗。|The exterior of the church is swathed with the color of vibrant red, which is deemed as an auspicious sign by the Chinese culture. (Courtesy of @frajds/Twitter)


The wildest and mindblowing combination of the Western and Chinese culture in the Holy Trinity Church is the mural of Michelangelo’s “The Last Supper.”

Sporting in traditional Chinese outfits, Christ and His Apostles with Asian features eat steamed buns with chopsticks. This creation certainly takes the legend of the Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui to the utmost level.

牆上畫作「最後的晚餐」|Chinese version of ‘The Last Supper’ (Courtesy of Tainan Travel)
牆上畫作「最後的晚餐」|Chinese version of ‘The Last Supper’ (Courtesy of Tainan Travel)


The Holy Trinity Church in Yanshui demonstrates that creativity has no boundary and that there’s no standard and limitation when it comes to aesthetics and cultural mix.


The post with a series of photos captured in the church has attracted much attention with some saying that: “WOW! What an amazing place to worship in!”

One said: “Fascinating combination of east and west,” while others commented, “Beautiful!”

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