置身於大師經典畫中 《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》2020華麗登台

<p>An exhibition featuring artworks by 19th century Dutch master Vincent Van Gogh that employs high-definition image projection technology will be held in Taipei early next year, the show’s organizer said Thursday. (Courtesy of JUSTLIVE)</p>

An exhibition featuring artworks by 19th century Dutch master Vincent Van Gogh that employs high-definition image projection technology will be held in Taipei early next year, the show’s organizer said Thursday. (Courtesy of JUSTLIVE)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》2020 年首度登陸台灣,將19世紀荷蘭後印象派巨匠梵谷的經典作品搬出美術館,透過光影流動與環繞,帶領觀眾徜徉梵谷的畫作之間,以嶄新方式體驗梵谷筆觸下的絕美神采。

An exhibition featuring artworks by 19th century Dutch master Vincent Van Gogh that employs high-definition image projection technology will be held in Taipei early next year, the show’s organizer said on Nov 7.

由 KKBOX 旗下音樂暨藝文活動品牌「JUSTLIVE 就是現場」引進,《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》是台灣首個以世界級經典畫家為主題的沉浸式光影藝術展。

Dubbed “Van Gogh Alive,” it will be the first time this type of high-tech artistic expo has been held in Taiwan, according to JUSTLIVE, an entertainment subsidiary of Taiwan’s online streaming service KKBOX.

透過當代科技,將《向日葵》、《星夜》、《麥田群鴉》等繪畫及素描、書信等 3,000 幅作品與珍貴影像轉為動態影像,由畫框內躍入超過 5 公尺、近 3 層樓高的投影巨幕當中,打造出跳脫現實的魔幻空間。

The multi-sensory art show features more than 3,000 Van Gogh images and paintings to create a thrilling display that fills giant screens, walls, columns, ceilings and even the floor.

透過澳洲知名策展公司 Grande Exhibitions 開發的 SENSORY4™ 投影系統,以 40 多台高畫質投影機搭配影院級環繞聲效,加上 360 度環繞式巨型螢幕所建構而成的空間,跳脫「純觀看」的形式,以全新角度感受梵谷,發掘與過往截然不同的視野與體驗。

Developed by the Australian-based firm Grande Exhibitions, the exhibition combines multichannel motion graphics and cinema quality surround sound, using up to 40 high-definition projectors that provide visitors with an immersive display experience.

巡迴阿布達比、羅馬、伊斯坦堡、柏林及新加玻等全球超過 50 個城市,《再見梵谷-光影體驗展》已累積超過 600 萬人次參觀。

The show, which is currently on a world tour, has been held in about 50 cities, including Abu Dhabi, Rome, Istanbul, Berlin, and Singapore.

台北場於2020/1/15到2020/4/5在新光三越信義新天地 A11 館六樓舉辦,而高雄場則在新光三越左營店 10 樓國際展演中心,展期是2020/4/18 到 2020/7/12。

The Taipei venue will be the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A11 department store in Taipei’s Xinyi District from Jan. 15 to April 5 and the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi store in Kaohsiung from April 18 to July 12.

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