美國FDA批准 藥局可以販售口服墮胎藥


Mifepristone (Mifeprex) and Misoprostol, the two drugs used in a medication abortion, are seen at the Women's Reproductive Clinic, which provides legal medication abortion services, in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, on June 17, 2022. Mifepristone is taken first to stop the pregnancy, followed by Misoprostol to induce bleeding. - In the wake of Friday's ruling by the US Supreme Court striking down Roe v Wade and the federally protected right to an abortion, women from Texas and other states are traveling to clinics like the Women's Reproductive Health Clinic in New Mexico for legal abortion services under the state's more liberal laws. - RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE (Photo by Robyn Beck / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE (Photo by ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)
終止妊娠藥物「美服培酮」(圖)將成為美國第一款獲准在墮胎合法州的藥局販售的墮胎藥,但仍需醫師開立處方箋才能購買。(圖/Getty Images)


自從保守派主導的最高法院去年6月作出推翻「羅訴韋德案」(Roe versus Wade)保障墮胎權的歷史性裁定以來,墮胎藥需求持續攀升。婦女墮胎權受1973年「羅訴韋德案」保障長達半世紀之久。

美國民權聯盟(American Civil Liberties Union)樂見美國食品暨藥物管理局的上述決定。

反墮胎組織「SBA名單」(Susan B. Anthony List)主席丹寧費爾瑟(Marjorie Dannenfelser)則猛烈抨擊這項決定,並在聲明中表示:「拜登政府又一次證明,他們對墮胎產業利益的重視,勝於婦女安全和未出世孩子的性命。」
