老外在台記錄接種疫苗過程 大讚「這一點」超貼心!


As Taiwan’s vaccination rate rises slowly but surely, a Taiwan expat who recently shared a video of his vaccination on YouTube has caught the attention of many social media users.

來自南非的 YouTuber Nathan Kactor 現居台灣桃園,7月25日他在自己創立的頻道「This is Taiwan」分享了一支關於近期在台接種疫苗的親身經驗。他希望這部影片能夠讓在台灣還未接種疫苗的民眾對接種過程更為熟悉、了解。

YouTuber Nathan Kactor from South Africa, who is currently living in Taoyuan, shared his recent vaccination experience on his channel “This is Taiwan” on July 25, hoping that the video would be useful and informative to those who haven’t been vaccinated yet.

在他的影片中,從註冊登記到離開疫苗接種站,Nathan 將整個過程描繪得鉅細靡遺。

In his video, Nathan described the entire process in detail, starting from registration to leaving the vaccination location.


According to his video, after registering, he received a text message from the government on July 19, notifying him of the date, time, and place of his vaccination.

7月24日,Nathan 一大早便起床前往接種站,而接種地點為一間當地的小學。

On July 24, Nathan woke up early and headed to the designated location, a local elementary school.


Upon arriving, he queued up, had his temperature checked, his hands sanitized, and was then brought to the school’s hall, greeted by the volunteers.


“One of them, as I recall, was able to speak a little bit of English, which was very very useful,” Nathan said.


He explained that the hall was split up into four different sections, with around 30 to 40 chairs all spaced apart in each section, where he was led to sit down and wait.


“I was actually a little bit surprised by how quickly everything went,” the YouTuber confessed.


According to Nathan, he had only been waiting for about 1 to 2 minutes before getting vaccinated by healthcare workers. They then directly moved on to the next person.


“The whole system was very systematic, kind of like an assembly line almost; but it was very professional, very clean, very well planned, and very well thought out in my opinion,” Nathan shared in his video.


He gave positive comments on other factors too.


While he was driving to the elementary school, he noticed that plenty of volunteers and a few police officers were directing people where to park. Large, clear signs were also set up in both Chinese and English near the school’s main entrance.


“It’s great. It’s very useful because I think that they were expecting a few foreigners, but obviously, most of the people that are going there are locals,” Nathan pointed out.


“All the volunteers and healthcare workers were very, very helpful and very, very friendly, professional, and polite,” he added.

Nathan 打的是AZ疫苗,在接種後隔天並沒有出現任何強烈的副作用。

Nathan received the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine and experienced no major side effects the following day.


“I feel like 95% okay. I feel a little bit stiff, but it’s very mild,” Nathan concluded on the following day of his vaccination.

Follow Nathan for more

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThisisTaiwan/videos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/this_is_tai_wan/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thisistaiwon/

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