老外看台灣/台灣救了我! 老外表謝意「住法國可能沒命」


While the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has surged past 3 million, many countries are expanded their lockdown, leading many people to be stuck at home for weeks, and even months.


Taiwan-based French YouTuber Francois Devatine (馮韋元) knows exactly how lucky he is to still be able to go out and hike or take a walk whenever he wishes.


In his new video, Devatine points out that his family back home are all under mandatory lockdown, the severity of which doesn’t even allow them to visit their 94-year-old grandmother.


To Devantine, Taiwan has been successful in preventing the community spread of the virus by issuing strict quarantine rules, immigration rules and regulating the sales of surgical face masks.


This combined with Taiwan society’s prompt reaction and willingness to follow the rules has led to Taiwan’s successfully flattening the curve of confirmed cases.


Thanks to the accurate and efficient rules and policies promulgated by the government, Devantine remarked that his freedom lies in the fact that he is living in Taiwan at the moment, so he wants to thank everyone for making him feel safe and allowing him to enjoy nature during these difficult times.

FOLLOW Francois Devatine:

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