老外看台灣/在台老外瘋淨灘! 齊心協力讓寶島更乾淨


Crowds of volunteers from all across Taiwan and beyond gathered on June 13 at 21 coast and forest areas across Taiwan to collect trash and contribute to protect the environment.

適逢「台灣國際清理日」四週年,非營利組織Taiwan Adventure Outings發起淨灘活動,由台灣在地公司協辦,號召全國民眾不分國籍年齡,只要有心都一同來為台灣這座小島減輕垃圾。

The events were Initiated by Taiwan Adventure Outings, a non-profit organization, and co-organized by Taiwan-based companies. On the fourth anniversary of International Cleanup Day, people of all ages were urged to come together to help remove the trash.


The number of volunteers has increased year-on-year, making it one of the largest cleanup events so far.

Taiwan Adventure Outings長期以來致力於提倡台灣戶外運動,不定期舉辦各式戶外活動,並結合教育、環保意識宣導,歡迎任何人參與活動探索台灣寶島之美。

Taiwan Adventure Outings is an organization dedicated to exploring Taiwan and participating in fun and exciting outdoor adventures combined with education and environmental awareness. The group is non-exclusive, open to both local and foreign Taiwan residents.

Taiwan Adventure Outings向The China Post分享道,全台從北到南的海岸、森林共21處淨灘點,1,231名熱心志工投入,垃圾收集量高達7,484公斤,成果相當可觀。

The organization told The China Post that the total amount of trash collected was 7,484 Kg by up 1,231 volunteers this year.

全台從北到南的海岸、森林共21處淨灘點,1,231名熱心志工投入,垃圾收集量高達7,484公斤,成果相當可觀。|The total number of trash collected is 7,484Kg with a total of 1,231 volunteers committing to the event.(Courtesy of Taiwan National Cleanup)
全台從北到南的海岸、森林共21處淨灘點,1,231名熱心志工投入,垃圾收集量高達7,484公斤,成果相當可觀。|The total number of trash collected is 7,484Kg with a total of 1,231 volunteers committing to the event.(Courtesy of Taiwan National Cleanup)


This year’s beach cleanup was like a global village, with 60 percent of volunteers from Taiwan and 40 percent from all over the world, the organization added, everyone was working together to do what they could for the environment.

Taiwan Adventure Outings發言人表示,「我們每年舉辦規模擴及全國的淨灘活動就是為了回饋台灣,並提升社會對於各種環境議題的意識,今年參與的志工人數較去年整整多了一倍,這是很好的跡象!」

“We put on this country-wide event each year to give back to Taiwan, as well as raise awareness of the various environmental issues that negatively affect our local ecology and ocean’s health,” the organizer said.

“It’s a beautiful sign for us to see the number of volunteers double from last year.”

自四年前開始,Taiwan Adventure Outings每年舉辦大大小小淨灘、清理天燈殘骸活動。

The non-profit organization has held various events since 2016 including lanterns and beaches cleanups.


The group concluded by saying thanks to the local companies who gave assistance and all of the volunteers.

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