

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to worsen, countries are attempting to stop infections from further spreading by enforcing lockdowns and closing borders.

美籍駐新加坡牙醫達斯丁(Dustin Pfundheller)目睹這個現象後,製作了一個小短片,並列出台灣如何能躲過封城危機的20項關鍵政策。

After witnessing this, a Singapore-based American dentist, Dustin Pfundheller, listed 20 rapid COVID-19 responses that Taiwan had, to exempt themselves from such drastic measures.


In the video, Pfundheller pointed out that when the virus first broke out around Chinese New Year, Taiwan was ranked the second highest in the world for the Coronavirus because of its close proximity to China.


However, with the correct equipment and fast implementation of virus-prevention measures, including taking the temperatures and enforcing a 14-day quarantine to those entering the country, Taiwan has managed to keep the fatality rate low and the confirmed cases contained.


Near the end of the video, Pfundheller said he wished more countries would use Taiwan as an example and urged everyone to “all be a little more like Taiwan.”

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