艾米尼之死掀怒火 巴黎等大城群眾示威

數百名旅外伊朗人24日齊聚法國巴黎等歐洲城市,譴責伊朗當局鎮壓示威之舉。伊朗22歲女子艾米尼(Mahsa Amini)遭「宗教警察」羈押後死亡引發民眾抗議,政府出動安全部隊鎮壓造成數十人死亡。

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - 2022/09/24: Protesters seen holding a banner and placards during the demonstration at Trafalgar Square. Iranians and feminists gathered to protest against the Iranian Government in regards to the recent death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was allegedly tortured to death by Iran's morality police for not wearing her hijab properly. (Photo by Hesther Ng/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
伊朗22歲女子艾米尼因未正確佩戴頭巾遭「宗教警察」羈押後死亡,在全球各地引爆大規模抗議示威。圖為英國示威者在倫敦特拉法加廣場抗議。(圖/Getty Images)

抗議者聚集巴黎市中心夏特雷廣場(Place du Chatelet),高呼反對伊朗最高領導人哈米尼(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)的口號,並敦促法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)停止與伊朗談判恢復2015年伊朗核協議。

法新社記者表示,示威者用法語和波斯語高喊「哈米尼滾出伊朗!」「馬克宏別再沉默!」等口號。又用波斯語演唱義大利抗議歌曲「再見了,姑娘」(Bella Ciao),這首歌很受這場運動的支持者歡迎。

他們還反覆高喊伊朗境內示威者愛用的波斯語口號,例如「女人,生活,自由!」(zan,zendegi,azadi)以及它的庫德語版jin, jiyan, azadi!因為遇害的艾米尼(Mahsa Amini)是庫德人。



A woman cuts her hair during a demonstration in support of Mahsa Amini in front of the Iranian embassy in Brussels, on September 23, 2022, following the death of an Iranian woman after her arrest by the country's morality police in Tehran.


巴黎的示威者也不滿馬克宏本周在紐約聯合國大會期間會晤伊朗總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi),還握手致意。

