英國外相對公民喊話 趁還能走儘速離開烏克蘭

英國外相特拉斯(Liz Truss )22日呼籲滯留在烏克蘭的英國公民,趁現在民航機還能正常營運時儘速離境。


The safety and security of British nationals in Ukraine is our top priority. All Brits should leave now via commercial routes while they are still available. We are bolstering our teams in the region to support British people as they leave and once they have crossed the border.— Liz Truss (@trussliz) February 22, 2022

年收7.5~10萬家庭買得起的房子 全美僅25萬棟求售
顧雙親竟致破產 照護專家自覺丟臉
俄若犯烏 BBC:恐面臨「制裁之母」狠揮八重拳修理