英國女王墓碑鋪設完成 由黑色大理石製成


WINDSOR, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 24: (NEWS EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO SALES. NO USE AFTER OCTOBER 2 WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM ROYAL COMMUNICATIONS) EDITORIAL USE ONLY. The photograph shall not be used without permission from Royal Communications. There shall be no commercial use whatsoever of the photograph (including any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-editorial use). The photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified in any manner or form when published. The photograph is for free use until October 2, 2022. Thereafter the photograph is available only via Royal Collection Trust. In this image released by the Buckingham Palace, the ledger stone, following the interment of the late Queen Elizabeth II, is installed at the King George VI Memorial Chapel, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle on September 24, 2022 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Royal Collection Trust/The Dean and Canons of Windsor via Getty Images)
伊麗莎白二世的墓碑由黑色大理石製成,從上至下依序以黃銅字刻著國王喬治六世、王后伊麗莎白、女王伊麗莎白二世、親王菲立普的名字和生卒年。(圖/Getty Images)

伊麗莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)本月8日在蘇格蘭巴爾莫勒爾堡(Balmoral)逝世,享耆壽96歲。


墓碑並刻有象徵最高榮譽的嘉德勳章(Order of the Garter)。

伊麗莎白二世的妹妹瑪格麗特公主(Princess Margaret)同樣長眠於溫莎城堡(Windsor Castle)聖喬治教堂(St George's Chapel)內的喬治六世紀念禮拜堂(King George VI Memorial Chapel)。



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