英大廚「蛋炒飯」惹怒華人 大馬網紅崩潰:史上最可怕

【看CP學英文】馬來西亞網紅「羅傑叔叔」先前因評論BBC蛋炒飯教學一炮而紅,後來連英國名廚傑米奧利佛 (Jamie Oliver)、高登·拉姆齊 (Gordon Ramsay) 也逃不過他的魔掌。近日,羅傑叔叔應觀眾要求,評論最具爭議性英國廚師Kay的「蛋炒飯」。

Malaysian YouTuber Nigel Ng has won praise for his comments on recipes of egg fried rice by BBC Food host Hersha Patel, British chefs Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay.

Recently, Uncle Roger reviewed the recipe of egg fried rice demonstrated by British chef Barbara Kay Lee in a video released on Dec. 6.

近日,羅傑叔叔應觀眾要求,評論最具爭議性英國廚師Kay的「蛋炒飯」。| Recently, Uncle Roger reviewed the recipe of egg fried rice demonstrated by British chef Barbara Kay Lee in a video released on Dec. 6. (圖|翻攝自影片)
近日,羅傑叔叔應觀眾要求,評論最具爭議性英國廚師Kay的「蛋炒飯」。| Recently, Uncle Roger reviewed the recipe of egg fried rice demonstrated by British chef Barbara Kay Lee in a video released on Dec. 6. (圖|翻攝自影片)

影片一開始,Kay將炒鍋放上電磁爐,並將油放入加熱;同時,她開始切大蒜,切了非常久,且大蒜形狀非常不平均,讓Uncle Roger看得不耐煩,直呼:「連大蒜都想逃離她了!」

Kay began the video by putting a wok on the induction stove and heats the oil. Meanwhile, she started to chop garlic, which took a very long time.

Besides, the shape of the garlic was very uneven, making Uncle Roger impatient and exclaimed, “Even the garlic tried to escape from her!

她開始切大蒜,切了非常久,且大蒜形狀非常不平均 | Kay started to chop the garlics, which took a very long time. (Screenshot from the video)
她開始切大蒜,切了非常久,且大蒜形狀非常不平均 | Kay started to chop the garlics, which took a very long time. (Screenshot from the video)

等到不耐煩的Uncle Roger表示:「我想等到她切完大蒜,大家都能注射新冠肺炎疫苗了。」

Waiting for her chopping the garlic, Uncle Roger sarcastically said: “I think by the time she finished chopping, everybody will have the vaccine for COVID.”

隨後,Kay爆香大蒜,竟讓大蒜爆到燒焦變成深咖啡色,這步驟讓Uncle Roger頭痛,直喊「我們只是讓大蒜稍微變色直到香味出來,不是叫你把大蒜火化。」

Then, Kay burst the garlic, and even let the garlic burst until it was burnt and turned into a dark brown color.

Uncle Roger remarked, “We would gently brown the garlic until it is fragranted, not cremated.”

接著,Kay將整碗「生米」直接到入鍋中翻炒,並加入胡椒、鹽巴,而Uncle Roger看到此已經生無可戀,無奈表示他已經被徹底打敗了。

Then, Kay put the whole bowl of “raw rice” into the wok and stir-fried it and added pepper and salt to it, while Uncle Roger saw that he said he has been defeated.

Kay將整碗「生米」直接到入鍋中翻炒 | Kay put raw rice and stirred it with burnt garlic. (Screenshot from the video)
Kay將整碗「生米」直接到入鍋中翻炒 | Kay put raw rice and stirred it with burnt garlic. (Screenshot from the video)

Uncle Roger看著拌炒著燒焦大蒜的炒飯,說道:「看看這些米飯有多悲慘。」

Uncle Roger looked at the fried rice with burnt garlic, saying “Look at how sad this rice look.”

此外,Uncle Roger表示,此時不需要蛋了,你需要的是奇蹟。

Uncle Roger added, “You don’t need an egg. You need a miracle.”

後來,鏡頭拉遠,Uncle Roger發現旁邊爐子裡正在煮豌豆,讓他崩潰表示,Kay選擇煮豌豆卻沒有煮最重要的米飯。

Later, Uncle Roger found peas being cooked on the stove next to the wok, leaving him devastated that Kay chose to cook the peas but not the rice.

Kay選擇煮豌豆卻沒有煮最重要的米飯。 | Kay chose to cook the peas but not the rice. (Screenshot from the video)
Kay選擇煮豌豆卻沒有煮最重要的米飯。 | Kay chose to cook the peas but not the rice. (Screenshot from the video)


Finally, the fried rice is served on a plate and, as in Kay’s past videos, Kay’s son Lee came out to taste his mother’s cooking, while his mother waited for her son’s reaction.


After taking a spoonful of fried rice, he said: “You can’t taste the garlic. The rice is a bit crunchy.”

Kay的兒子Lee負責品嘗媽媽做的料理 | Kay’s son Lee came out to taste his mother’s cooking, while his mother waited for her son’s reaction. (Screenshot from the video)
Kay的兒子Lee負責品嘗媽媽做的料理 | Kay’s son Lee came out to taste his mother’s cooking, while his mother waited for her son’s reaction. (Screenshot from the video)

看到這裡,Uncle Roger嘲諷道,我想BBC food節目很快就會雇用她。

Seeing the son’s response, Uncle Roger said, “I think BBC food will hire her soon.”

Uncle Roger的影片上傳短短四天,累積將近270萬人觀看,吸引網友紛紛留言表示:「Kay是傑米奧利佛的粉絲,她做出反人類蛋炒飯,盡力讓奧立佛像是個很棒的廚師。」

Uncle Roger’s video has been uploaded in just four days and has been watched by nearly 2.7 million people.

In response to the video, one commented: “She’s Jamie Oliver’s fan and she’s trying her best to make Jamie Oliver a good enough chef by making Anti-Human Fried Rice.”

有網友發現Uncle Roger不小心用自己本身的口音說出「對不起孩子們」,這表示狀況真的非常糟。

Another wrote: “You know stuff is terrible when Uncle Roger says ‘I’m sorry children’ without his accent.”

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