一萬個台灣人臉孔:AI 人物戴怡宛誕生


Taiwan’s incarnation, “Dai Yi Wan,” is the combination of 10,000 Taiwanese faces of people of all ages and walks of life. The resulting computer imagery is representative of Taiwan globally.

戴怡宛 (台語「台灣」的諧音)是今年坎城青年創意競賽台灣代表團隊四名年輕人以人工智慧技術所創的「台灣人」。

The project, which sounds like a wordplay of the pronunciation of Taiwan in the local dialect, was created by four young people for the 2020 Young Lions Competitions Taiwan.


Faces featured in “Dai Yi Wan” also include politicians, such as President Tsai Ing-Wen, former president Ma Ying-Jeou, KMT presidential hopeful Han Kuo-Yu and Premier Su Tseng-Chang.


In a video uploaded by the creative team, nicknamed “The Master Plan”, they explained that Taiwan has had many achievements in various fields including environmental protection, medical care, social welfare, equality, education, and open government, and more, in recent years.


However, not many people have known about such achievements, so they hope more foreigners would understand and see Taiwan’s progress in sustainable development through “Dai Yi Wan” and view Taiwan as a friend worth making.

戴怡宛如今在FB上已有許多位好友,LinkedIn上也在累積人脈,讓台灣能在國際舞台上展現實力,表明「Taiwan can help!」

As of now, “Dai Yi Wan” has already made several friends on Facebook and LinkedIn. Through these platforms, “Dai Yi Wan” is able to showcase Taiwan’s potential and send the message that “Taiwan can help!”

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