蔡英文說重話 將重懲囤貨、哄抬物價者

<p>▲蔡英文總統。|President Tsai Ing-wen (NOWnews)</p>

▲蔡英文總統。|President Tsai Ing-wen (NOWnews)


President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said Thursday that retailers who maliciously stockpiled and jacked up prices will be punished, before calling on Taiwan nationals to unite and go through the crisis together amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak during a speech at the Presidential Office building.


It has been two months since Taiwan reported its first case, Tsai said.

Meanwhile, Taiwan has successfully contained the virus and won praises worldwide for containing the number of imported cases during the first phase of the outbreak even though information regarding the disease was still unclear, President Tsai said.


The key factor that in successfully containing the virus lies in Taiwan nationals’ joint efforts to fight the virus, the president said, adding that the virus has spread rapidly worldwide over the past half month. Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center has implemented several preventive measures, tighten border controls and enhanced community quarantine in the wake of the spike in imported cases, Tsai said. The next two weeks are crucial in terms of our fight against the disease, so Taiwan must meet the challenge with confidence, Tsai added.


In addition, Tsai said that the supply of the medical equipment is sufficient and the number of face masks for the rationing system will increase to meet the demand, stressing that there is no need to panic buy or stockpile because the supply of daily necessities is adequate and stable.

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