
<p>(Photo courtesy of the Associated Press)</p>

(Photo courtesy of the Associated Press)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】新冠肺炎疫情肆虐美國,造成數十萬人染病、已 1 萬多人因此死亡。美國總統川普昨天( 8 日)重砲抨擊世界衛生組織(WHO ),稱該組織搞砸全球的防疫工作,揚言要停止對世衛的資金援助。世衛秘書長譚德塞( Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus )其後駁斥,要川普別把病毒「政治化」;對此川普則再度反擊,聲稱譚德塞才是把問題政治化的人。

As the COVID-19 death toll continues to rise in the U.S., President Donald Trump lashed out at the World Health Organization (WHO) for “messing up” and allegedly allowing the virus to spread at an alarming rate. Trump announced plans to halt all funds from the U.S. going into the WHO at a press conference on Tuesday.

To this, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus responded, asking Trump not to “politicize” the virus, prompting the president to retaliate by claiming that Ghebreyesus was the one politicizing the problem.

根據美國《 CNN 》報導,川普在今天( 9 日)的白宮防疫記者會上,被問到對譚德塞的批評有何看法時,回應道:「當你檢視他們與中國的關係時,我不敢相信他還會去談政治化,中國花了 4200 萬美元,我們花了 4.5 億美元,結果一切似乎都順中國的意思走,這是不對的,對我們和全世界都不公平。」

When asked for a response to Ghebreyesus’ accusations at a White House conference today, Trump reportedly said that one needs only to inspect the “WHO’s connection” with China and pointed out at the discrepancy in funds between the U.S. and China.

“I can’t believe he’s talking about politics when you look at the relationship they have to China. So China spends US$42 million, we spent US$450 million and everything seems to be China’s way. That’s not right, it’s not fair to us and honestly, it’s not fair to the world,” Trump said.


Trump also implied that the WHO made the wrong call which led to the death of many innocent people.

“He would have been much better serving the people that he’s supposed to serve if they gave a correct analysis,” Trump said.

譚德塞 8 日在瑞士日內瓦記者會上,被問及受到川普和外界抨擊一事時,不但抱怨自己是被台灣抹黑攻擊,還說若川普不想要看到更多屍袋,就不要把疫情政治化。

This came after Ghebreyesus attended a press conference in Switzerland yesterday and complained that he was being attacked about the situation in Taiwan while also stating that if U.S. President doesn’t wish to see more body bags, then he shouldn’t continue to politicize the virus.

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※ 【The China Post 英文中國郵報】reminds you:

Taiwan CDC asks that travelers who show symptoms such as fevers or coughs upon arriving in Taiwan need to put on a surgical mask and seek immediate medical attention. In addition, please inform authorities of any history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC) to facilitate timely diagnosis and prompt case-reporting. Call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922).

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