超有愛!91歲失智奶奶彈吉他與兒子合唱 兒:唱歌彷佛她回到我身邊

如果身邊的家人罹患失智症,該怎麼讓他記得你?美國喬治亞州1名高齡91歲的老奶奶罹患阿茲海默症,他的兒子瑞丁斯(Kelly Ridings)知道母親喜歡唱歌,於是只要有空回家鄉探望老母親,就會跟她一起彈吉他唱歌,並分享到臉書上。這對母子合唱超有愛,暖哭了逾百萬名網友。

據Daily Mail報導,瑞丁斯(Kelly Ridings)自2017年5月開始就陸續分享自己和母親合唱的片段,至今已持續了3年。影片中看到,瑞丁斯溫柔地蹲在母親身邊,由母親彈著吉他,然後兩人合唱;唱歌時兩人還不時地對望,畫面超溫馨。兩人的互動也惹哭許多網友,每次上傳的影片都有超過10萬人觀看,累積超過100萬人次。


Thank you all for your kind words; it has been an outpouring of the most gracious compliments. I never expected my…

Kelly Ridings 發佈於 2017年5月8日 星期一




I’m really missing my mom. Just being real. She’s doing fine but it’s going on 3 months since I was able to hug her and sing with her. Honestly, I’m afraid by the time this pandemic is over she either won’t know me at all or she will have passed. I know a lot of you are in a similar situation. A place of depression; a place of regret or fear. Maybe you’re feeling like this world has gone completely out of control and you’ve lost hope. I understand how you feel. Its just that there is hope. Hope of forgiveness of sin and a new life in Jesus Christ. Don’t fight over crumbs that fall from the table of this world. Repent of your sin. Turn to Jesus. Put the things of this world behind you. You will find that pandemics and racial division are worldly concerns that, like binding chains, fall off when you open your heart and make Him your King. In Heaven, there is no division. In Heaven, there is no disease or death. I know where my mom is going when she dies, just as I know where me and my family will be. Can you say that? Let go of the hate in your heart for your fellow man, no matter what side you sit on. Love your enemies. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who despitefully use you. This is how you gain a true brother or sister. The world will continue to implode. Don’t follow the world; follow Jesus and one day soon, we will all be together in His presence and just as the words of Martin Luther King Jr. rang out in “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I’m free at last!” You will rise up from the bondage of sin and be able to sing this song with my mom and me; He Set Me Free!

Kelly Ridings 發佈於 2020年6月22日 星期一