近40年首見 夏威夷毛納羅亞火山噴發熔岩流奇觀

綜合路透社和法新社報導,全球最大活火山夏威夷毛納羅亞(Mauna Loa)火山27日開始噴發,為近40年首見,結束有歷史記載以來最長平靜期。火山28日噴出熔岩和熾熱的火山灰,展現大自然的狂暴。

In this aerial photo released by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Mauna Loa volcano is seen erupting from vents on the Northeast Rift Zone on the Big Island of Hawaii, Monday, Nov. 28, 2022. Hawaii's Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, began spewing ash and debris from its summit, prompting civil defense officials to warn residents on Monday to prepare in case the eruption causes lava to flow toward communities. (U.S. Geological Survey via AP)


火山學家安德魯斯(Robin George Andrews)表示,起初噴發有限,但現在熔岩流在蔓延。他在推特上發文說,熔岩現在正從毛納羅亞的東北斷裂帶沿線斜坡上新裂口噴出,還說這座火山自1984年以來就沒有噴發過,這是有歷史記載以來暫停噴發最久的一次。不過他預測除非熔岩流量急劇增加,否則東北邊約有4萬4000人口的希羅市(Hilo)「會沒事的」。

FILE - Lava flows downhill from the crater of Mauna Loa, April 5, 1984, on the island of Hawaii. The ground is shaking and swelling at Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano in the world, indicating that it could erupt. Scientists say they don't expect that to happen right away but officials on the Big Island of Hawaii are telling residents to be prepared in case it does erupt soon. (AP Photo/John Swart, File)

美國地質調查所28日警告居民,火山氣體和火山灰可能會飄移。夏威夷州緊急事故管理局(Hawaii Emergency Management Agency)說,已開放島上兩個避難所以防萬一,但也強調,目前沒有跡象顯示熔岩會威脅到人口稠密地區,而且尚未發布任何撤離令。

毛納羅亞山面積占據夏威夷大島(Big Island)一半以上,高出太平洋海平面4169公尺,上次噴發是在1984年3月和4月,噴出的熔岩流距希羅市在約8.05公里以內。
