追「上帝戒指」必知小故事 各國日環食有趣傳說一次看

<p>Photo for illustrative purposes only. (Shutterstock)</p>

Photo for illustrative purposes only. (Shutterstock)


A solar eclipse is set to occur on June 21 (Sunday), and people across nine counties in Taiwan will be able to witness this natural phenomenon.


According to the Taipei Astronomical Museum (臺北市立天文科學教育館), if you miss out on this rare occurrence, which is set to begin at 2:45 p.m. until 5:26 p.m., you’ll have to wait another 195 years to see an eclipse here.


To prepare for this historic event, which will last for a total of 2 hours and 42 minutes, and get you in the right mood from the start, here are some intriguing folk tales from various cultures from around the world.

中國文化|Chinese Culture

The Chinese believed that a dragon was eating the sun which caused the eclipse. (<a class="link " href="https://tw.news.yahoo.com/tag/Shutterstock" data-i13n="sec:content-canvas;subsec:anchor_text;elm:context_link" data-ylk="slk:Shutterstock;sec:content-canvas;subsec:anchor_text;elm:context_link;itc:0">Shutterstock</a>)
The Chinese believed that a dragon was eating the sun which caused the eclipse. (Shutterstock)


In ethnic Chinese communities, it’s believed that a dragon eating the sun is the main reason for a solar eclipse. Against this backdrop, Chinese people would usually produce loud noises with the help of drums to scare off the dragon and prevent it from consuming the sun.


As the moon always moves away from the sun after a short while, Chinese people were convinced that their actions really did work; thus, becoming an integral part of the local cultures.

斯堪地那維亞|Scandinavian Culture

The Vikings believed that wolves were trying to devour the sun and moon. (Shutterstock)
The Vikings believed that wolves were trying to devour the sun and moon. (Shutterstock)


As with many other early cultures, the Vikings believed that the sun was being consumed when an eclipse occurred.


Their folklore involves two wolves, Hati and Skoll, who sought to eat the sun and moon, respectively.

為了阻止這件事,維京人也會在當日製造巨大聲響把狼嚇跑,因為他們相信,若狼將太陽和月亮吃掉,那麼Ragnarok (世界末日)就會發生。

With this observation in mind, the townspeople would make loud noises to try and scare off the wolves, as they believed that if the wolves did devour the sun and moon, then Ragnarok, or the apocalypse, would ensue.

印度文化|Indian Culture

A statue of the Indian entity, Rahu. (Shutterstock)
A statue of the Indian entity, Rahu. (Shutterstock)


According to Hindu mythology, an entity by the name of Rahu strove to drink the elixir of the gods, which granted immortality.


However, his plot was discovered by Vishnu (the protector of the universe), who promptly beheaded him, causing his decapitated head to drift through the sky and eventually ending in front of the Sun.

其他版本裡,羅睺確實喝到了一口長生不老的藥 ,但藥還來不及到身體的其他部位就被斷頭,所以只有他的頭顱保持長生不老。

Other versions say that Rahu actually drank a sip of the elixir, though before it could reach the rest of his body, he was beheaded, thus making his head immortal.


It’s said that in anger, Rahu went on an everlasting quest to eat the sun, though when he does, it quickly reappears, as he has no throat.

西非文化|West African Culture

A tribe in Dassa, Benin. (Shutterstock)
A tribe in Dassa, Benin. (Shutterstock)

西非北部的多哥(Togo)和貝南(Benin)族傳說裡,祖先巴塔馬利巴 (Batammaliba)人相信日環食發生時是因為人類彼此互鬥、爭執而將怨氣散播至太陽和月亮。

According to a West African legend, the Batammaliba, ancient people from Northern Togo and Benin believed that an eclipse occurred when humans fought or were angry with each other; thus, spreading it to the sun and moon.

傳說中的兩位母親Puka Puka和Kuiyecoke 說服族人不要再吵架,以身作則緩解太陽和月亮之間的紛爭,讓日環食結束。

Legendary first mothers, Puka Puka and Kuiyecoke, persuaded the people to stop fighting to convince the sun and moon to stop their brawl and end the eclipse.


Whenever an eclipse appears, the Batammaliba people would set aside their differences and make amends with each other to keep the sun and moon at peace.

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