
<p>▲德國、台灣、紐西蘭、冰島、芬蘭、挪威、丹麥的領導人皆為女性。|The countries led by female include German, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Taiwan. (圖/翻攝自 Forbes | Courtesy of Forbes )</p>

▲德國、台灣、紐西蘭、冰島、芬蘭、挪威、丹麥的領導人皆為女性。|The countries led by female include German, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Taiwan. (圖/翻攝自 Forbes | Courtesy of Forbes )

【看英文中國郵報學英文】自中國爆發疫情的 2019 新型冠狀病毒( COVID-19 )持續蔓延,至少 185 個國家、地區通報確診案例。《富比士》( Forbes )專欄作家阿維瓦( Avivah Wittenberg-Cox )昨日( 13 )撰文分析,認為疫情應對較出色的各國家最大的共同點是有位女性領導人,其中也包括台灣總統蔡英文。

At least 185 countries and regions have reported COVID-19 infections since the beginning of the outbreak. Against this backdrop, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, a Forbes columnist, published an article on April 13, titled “What do countries with the best coronavirus responses have in common? Women Leaders” that praises Tsai Ing-wen for her swift response to the outbreak.

阿維瓦列舉七個國家包括德國、紐西蘭、冰島、芬蘭、挪威、丹麥以及台灣。阿維瓦指出,台灣的蔡英文總統在防疫過程中展現重要的決策能力( decisiveness ),早在 1 月就察覺到新瘟疫的跡象,當局立即採取 124 個防疫措施,讓台灣不需要面臨封鎖城市( lockdown )的局面。

In addition to Taiwan, the leaders who adopted the best policies come from Germany, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Why Taiwan? Avivah pointed out that Tsai Ing-wen was the fastest to respond to the challenge. Back in Januaryauthorities saw the first sign of a new illness and the Taiwan government quickly adopted 124 preventive measures without having to resort to the lockdown.

現在,台灣除了被 CNN 形容「全世界最佳防疫」,政府也盈餘向疫情嚴峻的美國、歐洲捐助 1,000 萬個口罩。

CNN also praised Tsai Ing-wen ‘s response to the epidemic as one of the world’s best responses. Avivah further stressed that Taiwan has donated 10 million face masks to the U.S. and European countries that are struggling with the disease.


In response to Forbes’ report, Tsai Ing-wen said that the key to the success of curbing the spread of the virus is the collective efforts of Taiwan nationals who have united to fight against COVID-19. Taiwan’s epidemic responses and medical assistance to other countries have won world recognition too. All these achievements go to all the nationals who continue to contribute to the nation. Tsai concluded that the international media’s recognition in women’s leadership reflects Taiwan’s progress in gender equality and the country will continue to achieve this value.

※ Reminder: Taiwan CDC asks travelers who show symptoms, such as fever or cough, upon arriving in Taiwan to wear a surgical mask and seek immediate medical attention. In addition, foreigners should inform authorities of any history of travel, occupation and contacts to facilitate timely diagnosis and prompt case-reporting. Call the toll-free number of the Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922).

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