
<p>Photo for illustrative purposes. United Airlines plane flying over a beach. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)</p>

Photo for illustrative purposes. United Airlines plane flying over a beach. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

【看CP學英文】大家都想趕快打疫苗得到保護,不管是青少年可以施打的輝瑞(Pfizer),或是其他受歡迎的莫德納 (Moderna) ,嬌生(Johnson & Johnson),現在夏威夷疫苗數量充足綽綽有餘,而許多台灣人也將目標放到國外,希望能一邊渡假,一邊接種疫苗。

During the pandemic, everyone is eager to get protection with Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson-Johnson vaccines. However, anxiety over long waits in Taiwan has now led many to set their sites on getting vaccinated in the U.S., hoping to kill two birds with one stone by “vacationing and vaccinating.”


United Airlines recently began offering fares between Taipei and Honolulu, with wide availability throughout July and August.

Based on fares at the time of publication, roundtrip flights connecting in San Francisco start at around NT$27,000.


Compared with the previous price of flying to San Franciso through United Airlines or EVA Air (ranging from NT$54,000 to NT$78,000) the new deal has become a great opportunity to some.

機票價格會隨時變動的。Airfare is subject to demand and is subject to change. (Photo courtesy of United Airlines website)
機票價格會隨時變動的。Airfare is subject to demand and is subject to change. (Photo courtesy of United Airlines website)


However, how can it possibly be so much cheaper overall to take an additional flight to Hawaii, when taking the same flight only from Taipei and San Francisco costs twice as much?

原因就在每家航空公司以收益管理(revenue management)的考量,對每種飛行旅程的定價所參考的關鍵。

The answer lies in several crucial factors that an airline company’s Revenue Management considers when deciding how to price certain trips.


The first is market demand. Airlines like United price flights based on how much people are willing to pay for travel, rather than the distance of the flights themselves.


Taipei to San Francisco is a premium market, with various business executives and expatriate families making essential trips between the two cities.


In contrast, demand for leisure travel, such as for tourism between Taiwan and Hawaii, is low at the moment.

Thus, despite it costing United less to transport customers merely to San Francisco, they know they can charge more because of market characteristics.


To understand this pricing strategy, you need to look at normal airfare pricing between Hong Kong and London, where prices are often significantly higher than essentially traveling on the same flight but connecting from Taipei.


Such a phenomenon is due to the fact that Hong Kong-London is another premium route with significant business travel.

Since international corporations, paying for their employees’ travel, are less sensitive to prices compared to leisure travelers, airlines know they are able to price tickets higher for increased revenue.


The second is convenience. Major airline cooperations charge a premium for nonstop flights, as travelers are once again willing to pay more to avoid the hassle of having to change planes.


In this case, United’s direct flight between Taiwan and San Francisco is the most convenient option. In contrast, some travelers may dislike the idea of having to transfer to San Francisco to fly to Hawaii, while others are attracted by the low fares.


In conclusion, the ability to comprehend how airline pricing works unlocks many amazing deals like this.


So if you are not yet eligible to get a vaccine, this opportunity may not only let you enjoy a vacation on the Hawaiian islands but also let you get vaccinated at a much more affordable price than flying somewhere else.

相關連結 | Sources:

美國聯合航空網站 United Airlines Website

夏威夷新冠肺炎疫苗資訊 | Hawaii COVID Vaccination

※【The China Post】提醒您:機票價格是隨時變動的。疫情中出國請注意相關限制規定。本文章並沒有接受任何美國聯合航空的贊助或參與。

Disclaimer: Airfare is subject to demand and is subject to change. Travel restrictions may apply. This article is not sponsored, endorsed, or compensated by United Airlines.

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