【養陰潤燥】花膠燉鮮奶 Double steamed fish maw in milk

除了炮製各式高級菜式外,花膠亦可用於滋補甜品,因為花膠飲有豐富的膠原蛋白,加入鮮奶、紅棗及蓮子慢火同燉,對滋潤肌膚、養顏活血、滋陰補肺的功效亦特別顯著。 浸發花膠的方法請參閱 The way to rehydrate dry fish maw, please refer to : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53680

製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 5-6人

已浸發花膠 Rehydrated fish maw 1-2隻/pcs
鮮奶 Milk 600毫升/ml
紅棗 Red dates 6-8粒/pcs
蓮子 Dry lotus seed 20克/g
冰糖 Rock sugar 50克/g
薑 Ginger 4-5片/Slice
蔥 Spring onion 1-2棵/Stalk

1 :
浸發花膠的方法請參閱 The way to rehydrate dry fish maw, please refer to : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53680
2 :

花膠與薑及蔥,加滾水內中火煮15分鐘 Put rehydtated fish maw, spring onion and ginger in hot water and boil for 15 minutes.
3 :

熄火再焗15分鐘以去除腥味 Leave covered for 15 minutes more to remove fishy smell.
4 :

將花膠剪成小塊,沖洗乾淨 Cut fish maw into small pieces and rinse.
5 :

蓮子浸軟去芯,放熱水內煮15分鐘 Soak dry lotus in water seeds until tender and remove plumule.. Blanch for 15 minutes.
6 :

紅棗浸乾去核 Soak red dates in water until tender and remove seeds.
7 :

將鮮奶、冰糖、紅棗、蓮子及花膠,全部放入燉盅內, Put milk, rock sugar, red dates, lotus seeds and fish maw in a double steam pot.
8 :

以細火或蒸焗爐燉3小時即成 Steam over low heat for 3 hours.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53739
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com