


In a 5 to 0 sweep, an AI 'pilot' developed by Heron Systems beat one of the Air Force's top F-16 fighter pilots in DARPA's simulated aerial dogfight contest taking place from Aug. 18-20, 2020.

AI still has a long way to go before the Air Force pilots would be ready to hand over the stick to an artificial intelligence during combat, said DARPA officials. But the three-day trials show that AI systems can credibly maneuver an aircraft in a simple, one-on-one combat scenario and shoot its forward guns in a classic, WWII-style dogfight. It was an impressive showing by an AI agent after only a year of development.






Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.


Carefully guide or manipulate to achieve an end.


It is important to maneuver the vessel while considering the rounding up leeway angle when navigating in a channel without the assistance of tugs under wind pressure.
