


LCS 21 is equipped with Longbow Hellfire Missiles, 30 mm guns and manned and unmanned vehicles. Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM) and a Mark 110 gun, capable of firing 220 rounds per minute are also onboard. The ship features gas turbines, diesel engines and water jets that together generate 114,000 horsepower making her capable of speeds in excess of 40 knots.

‘LCS has proven to be an effective and adaptable platform capable of multiple missions in our area of responsibility,’ said U.S. Southern Commander Admiral Craig Faller. It has become an end-game enabler for U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement authorities who disrupt transnational criminal organizations and the smuggling of deadly narcotics.


LCS 21近岸作戰艦配賦「長弓」地獄火飛彈、30厘米艦砲、載人及無人載具,艦上亦裝設有「旋轉彈體飛彈」,以及每分鐘可發射220發砲彈的「馬克110型」艦砲。該艦特有的燃氣渦輪發動機、柴油引擎、噴水推進器,共可榨出11萬4千匹馬力,使其得以駛出超過40節的速度。




A small, lightweight, infrared homing surface-to-air missile.

※gas turbine:

A combustion engine that can convert natural gas or other liquid fuels to mechanical energy.


Many warships built since the 1960s have used gas turbines for propulsion.
