


Senior Army leaders are scheduled to attend the demonstrations, which are part of the service's Project Convergence–a complex effort involving experiments to refine the Army's contributions to the joint force's command-and-control network.

The Army is also testing three future warfare capabilities at Yuma–artificial intelligence to improve human decision-making; autonomy; and robotics–in an attempt to accelerate the pace of battle and boost soldier lethality. 'Those are going to be fundamental technologies that will change how we fight in the future,' Gen. Murray said.

Demonstration participants will use a two-sensor, two-shooter, two-target format that will help form a basic blueprint for artificial intelligence to be used in brigade-size formations and below.







The branch of technology that deals with design, construction, operation, and application of robots.


A gun (informal, old-fashioned in US).


The aim of the sensor-to-shooter process is to provide operational superiority by completely mastering all information in a theater of operations
