


The Stryker IAV have robust armor protection, can sustain speeds of 60 mph, have parts commonality and selfrecovery abilities and also have a central tire inflation system. The Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle carries a nine-man infantry squad and a crew of two and has a Remote Weapon Station with an M2 .50 caliber machine gun or MK-19, 40mm grenade launcher. Just as important, the Stryker family of vehicles stresses performance and commonality that reduces the logistics footprint and minimize sustainment costs. The same engine used in the FMTV powers the Stryker. The Stryker can reach speeds in excess of 60 mph with a range exceeding 300 miles on 53 gallons of fuel.


史崔克中繼裝甲車擁有強大的裝甲防護力,可以維持每小時60英里的速度,具備零件通用性及自行修復能力,還配有中央輪胎充氣系統。史崔克系列的裝甲運兵車,可搭載9人一組的步兵班及2名機組員,並配備可架設M2式50公厘口徑機槍或MK-19 式40公厘榴彈發射器的遙控武器系統。同樣重要的是,史崔克系列載具強調性能與通用性,以減少後勤作業負荷並使維持費降到最低。史崔克係以中型戰術車輛系列所運用的同款引擎提供動力,用53加侖的燃油,就能以每小時超過60英里的速度,行駛300英里以上的距離。


Interim armored vehicle.


Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles.


FMTV is a series of vehicles, based on a common chassis, that vary by payload and mission requirements.
