
<p>▲新冠肺炎蔓延,不少人出門都會戴上口罩。|Amid the coronavirus outbreak, many people wear the face masks.(NOWnews)</p>

▲新冠肺炎蔓延,不少人出門都會戴上口罩。|Amid the coronavirus outbreak, many people wear the face masks.(NOWnews)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】國防醫學院預防醫學研究院與國家衛生研究院今(8)日指出,兩院共同合作,利用過去抗SARS病毒抗體為基礎,挑選出能辨識新型冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2)的抗體,並投入新冠病毒快篩試劑與Capture ELISA的開發工作。

The National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) and National Defense Medical Center have successfully extracted an antibody used for testing SARS-CoV-2 infections based on previous research on anti-SARS antibodies.


The NHRI said that the test kit could identify three types of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies grown in three different laboratories. The test kit shows two lines if the test is positive, and one line if the test is negative. The test can be completed within 15 to 20 minutes.


NHRI said that the test kit can identify various types of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and will not have cross-reactions with other respiratory viruses, such as the Influenza A and Influenza B viruses.

The detection sensitivity of the test kit is around 62.5 ng/mL.

※ Reminder: Taiwan CDC asks travelers who show symptoms, such as fever or cough, upon arriving in Taiwan to wear a surgical mask and seek immediate medical attention. In addition, foreigners should inform authorities of any history of travel, occupation and contacts to facilitate timely diagnosis and prompt case-reporting. Call the toll-free number of the Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922).

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