2500頭海豹陳屍俄羅斯裏海沿岸 死因不明

美聯社報導,俄羅斯當局官員4日表示,在俄國南部的裏海(Caspian Sea)沿岸地區發現了大約2500頭海豹的屍體,尚不清楚確切死亡原因。


UPDATING THE NUMBER OF DEAD SEALS In this image taken from footage provided by the RU-RTR Russian television on Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022, Journalists and Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office employees walk near the bodies of dead seals on shore of the Caspian Sea, Dagestan. Officials say that about 1,700 seals have been found dead on the Caspian Sea coast in southern Russia. Authorities in the Russian province of Dagestan say that it’s still unclear what caused the animals’ death, but they likely died of natural reasons. (RU-RTR Russian Television via AP)

地方官員最初通報說,在事發沿海地區發現700頭海豹死亡,但俄羅斯自然資源和環境部(Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)的達吉斯坦分部後來將數字提升到大約2500頭。裏海環境保護中心(Caspian Environmental Protection Center)負責人蓋皮佐夫(Zaur Gapizov)透過聲明表示,這些海豹可能早在數周前就已死亡,沒有跡象顯示牠們遭殺害或被漁網捕獲。

俄羅斯聯邦漁業署(Federal Fisheries Agency)的專家與檢察官勘查了現場海岸線,並收集用於實驗室研究的數據資料,但沒有立即發現任何污染物。

