303位台、歐議員醫專家 連署致信譚德塞:台準備好入WHO

<p>Photo provided by NOWnews</p>

Photo provided by NOWnews

【看CP學英文】世界衛生大會( WHA )於昨日( 18 )台灣時間晚間 6 時透過視訊方式舉行,今年的重點將著重於新型冠狀病毒( COVID-19 )的應對,同時台灣參與世界衛生組織(WHO)的議題又再次受到國際社會關注。

The World Health Assembly (WHA) unfolded on Monday evening (Taiwan time) via video conference with two main topics of discussions: the WHO’s response towards the novel coronavirus (COVID-19); and Taiwan ’s eventual participation in the World Health Organization (WHO).

據《 Gavroche 》本月 11 日的報導,法國國會議員希望能夠讓台灣加入 WHO 。超過 150 個議員提案反對將台灣排除在全球公共衛生之外,並要求 WHO 和台灣之間的合作更加密切,當時已有 86 個法國議員、51 個台灣代表和其他醫學、學術專家簽署。

According to Gavroche, members of the French Parliament had hoped that Taiwan would be allowed to join the WHO. More than 150 MPs had opposed the exclusion of Taiwan from the global public health discussion and requested closer cooperation between WHO and Taiwan. As of last week, 86 French MPs, 51 Taiwan representatives and other medical and academic experts had signed the petition.

這項連署提議由法國塞納州議員加託林( André Gattolin )、台籍留法博士生王建慧以及法國雷恩政治學院( Institute of Political Studies in Rennes )講師勒菲佛( Pierre Lefèvre )提起,並將聲明翻譯成多國語言,讓更多人參與支持台灣。

This joint proposal was initiated by French Senator André Gattolin, Taiwanese doctoral student Wang Chien-hui, and Pierre Lefèvre (a lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies in Rennes). They also translated the statement into multiple languages ​​to allow more people to support Taiwan.

網站介紹,發起者在今年 3 月 31 日於法國雜誌《 新觀察家 》( L’Obs ) 網站上投書延續而來之連署平台,希望能夠促進允許台灣參與世界衛生大會 ( WHA )及世界衛生組織 ( WHO )之其他相關會議。包括台灣駐法國、義大利大使,台灣歐洲僑務委員,以及多名法國國會議員皆登記簽署支持。

According to the website, “Taiwan for all,” the initiators of the petition continued their efforts by writing an open letter on the website of a French magazine “The Observer” (L’Obs) on March 31 this year, hoping to promote Taiwan ’s participation in the WHA and the WHO, and among other relevant meetings.

Officials including Taiwan’s representative to France and Italy, Taiwan’s European Commissioner for Overseas Chinese Affairs, and a number of French parliamentarians have signed the petition to express their support.

據《 Gavroche 》,王建慧表示這起運動展現的不只是危機管理上的技術效率,同樣表台灣人民、政府的合作與自信。「 Taiwan for all 」代表台灣可以為 WHO 帶來很多益處且已經準備好。

According to Gavroche, Wang Chien-hui said that this movement not only demonstrated Taiwan’s effective crisis management but also expressed the cooperation and confidence between the people and the government of Taiwan.

“Taiwan for all” means that Taiwan has much to offer to the WHO and is ready to do so.

11 日的報導末稱這項連署預定在16 日交給 WHO 秘書長譚德塞( Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus )後根據連署行動發言人,連署信、名單會在開幕當天交給譚德塞。

According to the report, the document was scheduled to be handed over to WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on May 16.

The date was later changed according to the petition spokesperson, who stated that the letter and the list would be handed over to Dr. Tedros on the day of the WHA meeting.

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