


Russian official video footage shows that the three Russian Navy nuclear subs surfacing out of the ice sheets near the North Pole appears to be at least two sails belonging to Delta IV class submarines, also known as Project 667BDRM Delfins. It's possible that the third boat could be either a member of the Borei class, or the lone Borei-A class submarine presently in service, the Knyaz Vladimir. The Borei and Borei-A designs are Russia's most advanced ballistic missile submarines.

Both of these types can be loaded with up to 16 RSM-56 Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missiles, each one of which can be armed with between 6 and 10 Multiple Independent Targetable Reentry Vehicles (MIRV), depending on the type of nuclear warhead. The Delta IVs can be armed with up to 16 R-29RMU Sineva submarine-launched ballistic missiles, themselves capable of each carrying either 4 or 10 MIRVs, again depending on the warhead type.



「北風之神」與「北風之神A」 的構型,均為俄國最先進的彈道飛彈潛艦。這兩種型式的潛艦,均可裝載多達16枚RSM-56「圓錘」(布拉瓦,Bulava)潛射彈道飛彈,且視核彈頭的類型而定,每枚飛彈還可裝配6至10枚「多彈頭獨立目標重返大氣層載具」(MIRV)。三角洲級4型各款潛艦,均可裝配多達16枚R-29RMU型「湛藍」潛射彈道飛彈,這種飛彈本身尚可搭載4或10枚MIRV,同樣取決於彈頭的類型而定。


※ice sheet:

A mass of glacial ice that covers surrounding terrain and is greater than 50000 km2, also known as a continental glacier.


The cunning tower of a submarine.

※armed with:

Furnished with weapons.


Gunship, a military aircraft armed with heavy guns, is primarily intended for attacking ground targets.



The meaning of life is to live full, and is not

live long. --Martin Luther King Jr.

