


A new‘Marine Littoral Regiment’ coming to Hawaii–the first of its kind in the Marine Corps–represents a major shift for the service in the‘great power’ competition playing out in the Western Pacific and preparation for a high-tech missile war in the region.

Instead of training for low-tech counterinsurgency missions in Afghanistan and Iraq, which defined the Corps for nearly two decades, littoral, or nearshore, Marines will become specialists in ship-to-shore capabilities in austere conditions to, among other things, sink ships at sea using missiles fired from unmanned vehicles that look like bulked-up Humvees. The unmanned vehicles will operate inside the range of extremely capable enemy missiles fired back at them while trying to move about quickly to avoid being targeted.





※great power:

A sovereign state that is recognized as having the ability and expertise to exert its influence on a global scale.


Action taken to destroy an insurgency.


The U.S. needs a comprehensive strategy to prosecute counterinsurgency operation.
