紐約7號地鐵高架軌 木棍掉落「插入」擋風玻璃 駕駛險喪命

CLOSE CALL! This is the exact moment a rotted wood plank fell from the elevated 7 train structure, pierced the windshield, and narrowly missed the driver. MTA promising to check all elevated rails for left over wood below tracks. @NY1 pic.twitter.com/iVKvZoky3a

— Van Tieu (@Van_Tieu) 2019年2月22日


A track from the 7 train just crashed down upon a driving car around 65th Street in Woodside, piercing through the windshield. These photos are horrifying! pic.twitter.com/fBjxItlK7Q

— Jimmy Van Bramer (@JimmyVanBramer) 2019年2月21日

量販店雖便宜 有些東西不買為妙
華人按摩店涉黃 背後秘辛
納稅人要哭了!退稅額連降3周 平均僅2703元