


In June, approximately 8,500 active-duty airmen across 13 eligible officer and enlisted career fields had signed up to move permanently into the Space Force, which is part of the Department of the Air Force. The Defense Department's sixth military service, which was signed into existence by President Donald Trump on Dec. 20, 2019, is currently operating with the aid of 16,000 airmen and civilians detailed temporarily from what was formerly known as Air Force Space Command.

About 6,000 of those temporary personnel will be offered the opportunity to formally transfer into the Space Force by year's end.

The service currently has only 88 members. They include Gen. John ‘Jay’ Raymond, the chief of space operations and head of U.S. Space Command; Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman; and 86 new lieutenants who graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in April.


6月期間,計有13 類專長職能約8500名現役空軍官兵,報名轉任隸屬美國空軍部的太空軍。總統川普於2019年12月20日簽署成立此一國防部第6軍種,現由前空軍太空司令部暫時指派的1萬6000名官兵及文職人員,協助運作。





The second junior-most or the junior-most commissioned officer in the armed forces.


In USAF, promotion from 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieutenant is virtually guaranteed after two years of satisfactory service.
