apprehend拘捕、拘押 新聞美語即時通

gambit精心策劃的一步棋 新聞美語即時通

今天我們要學的詞是 apprehend. Apprehend is spelled a-p-p-r-e-h-e-n-d, apprehend. Apprehend 的一個解釋是拘捕、拘押,The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended nearly 400,000 people who were attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border during the 2018 fiscal year. 美國邊境巡邏隊在2018財政年度逮捕了近40萬試圖越過美墨邊境的人。 Apprehend的另一個意思是理解、領會, The Saudi Crown Prince is suspected of playing a significant role in the death of Khashoggi, while appears to be unable to apprehend the international rage over his Murder. 沙特王儲被懷疑在沙特記者卡舒吉遇害事件中發揮了重要作用,但他似乎無法理解國際社會對這一謀殺事件的憤怒。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 apprehend, apprehend, apprehend ......以上新聞美語即時通由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,謝謝收聽。