biometric生物識別(技術) 新聞美語即時通

今天我們要學的詞是 biometric. Biometric is spelled b-i-o-m-e-t-r-i-c, biometric.

Biometric 的意思是生物識別(技術)。Many security experts think biometric security measures like fingerprint readers have become more common in fighting fraud. 許多安全專家認為,像指紋識別器等生物識別安全措施越來越普遍地用於打擊詐騙。

Venezuela's shrinking economy has forced the Supermarkets to install biometric reading machines so that each buyer can be identified in an effort to avoid hoarding. 委內瑞拉萎縮的經濟迫使超市安裝生物識別讀取機,以便識別買家身份,以試圖避免囤積。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 biometric, biometric, biometric .........以上新聞美語即時通由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,謝謝收聽。