constraint限制、約束 新聞美語即時通

今天我們要學的詞是 constraint. Constraint is spelled c-o-n-s-t-r-a-i-n-t, constraint.

Constraint 的意思是限制、約束。U.S. State Department has pulled out personnel from its embassy in Caracas, citing the presence of the diplomatic staff “has become a constraint on U.S. policy” given the deteriorating situation in Venezuela. 美國國務院已將駐加拉加斯大使館人員撤離,稱鑒於委內瑞拉局勢惡化,外交人員留在當地“已對美國政策帶來限制”。

Private companies in Rwanda see high taxes stemming from multiple taxation as the major constraint to doing business in the country. 盧旺達的一些私企認為多重賦稅導致的高額稅費是在該國開展業務的主要制約因素。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 constraint, constraint, constraint ..........以上新聞美語即時通由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,謝謝收聽。