Converge彙集、聚集 新聞美語即時通

gambit精心策劃的一步棋 新聞美語即時通

今天我們要學的詞是 converge. Converge is spelled c-o-n-v-e-r-g-e, converge. Converge的意思是彙集、聚集,Valunteers and Red Cross workers from across the country are all converging on the Carolinas to aid Hurricane Florence victims,來自全美各地的志願者和紅十字會工作人員都聚集在南、北卡羅萊納州,為颶風佛羅倫薩受害者提供幫助。Science students from across Africa converge in Zimbabwe’s capital of Harare to share their ideas and inventions in the inaugural Africa Science Buskers Festival,來自非洲各地的理科學生們聚集在津巴布韋首都哈拉雷參加首屆非洲科學街頭藝術節,分享他們的想法和發明。
