Gamescom 2021 終究還是要以純線上形式舉行

Visitors pass by a gaming booth of Ubisoft during the Gamescom fair in Cologne, Germany August 6, 2015. The Gamescom convention, Europe's largest video games trade fair, runs from August 5 to August 9. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY - LR2EB8612IC35
Visitors pass by a gaming booth of Ubisoft during the Gamescom fair in Cologne, Germany August 6, 2015. The Gamescom convention, Europe's largest video games trade fair, runs from August 5 to August 9. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY - LR2EB8612IC35

早些時候 Gamescom 官方正式確認,今年的展會仍將和去年一樣,以純線上的形式來舉行。之前因為疫情較一年前已經稍有緩解,展方科隆展覽中心(Koelnmesse)曾動過同時進行線上、線下活動的腦筋。但在「與合作夥伴、參展廠商深入討論之後」,其最終還是放棄了這一想法。考慮到最近某些地區的疫情劇變,線上方案應該還是更為穩妥的選擇吧。

Gamescom 2021 將從德國當地時間 8 月 25 日開始,一支持續到 8 月 27 日結束。和去年一樣,The Game Awards 主持人 Geoff Keighley 會負責 Opening Night Live 直播為整個展會開場。為了方便玩家追蹤最新的活動資訊,主辦方還將重新設計 Gamescom Now 線上中心,讓你可以更容易地找到直播、預告片、開發者訪談等內容。