Gogoro電動自行車曝光 網一看售價驚呼「哎呦」

<p>The Gogoro ebike looks sleek and chic. (Courtesy of Gogoro)</p>

The Gogoro ebike looks sleek and chic. (Courtesy of Gogoro)

【看CP學英文】大家都喜歡電動自行車,如最近推出的Gogoro “Eeyo”,不僅實用、造型簡單,重量也很輕,讓它瞬間成為電動自行車市場上的佼佼者。

We all like e-bikes. We particularly like practical, sleek but chic electric bicycles like the new “Eeyo” – an ultralight quick, responsive, and fun bicycle.

Gogoro創辦人暨執行長陸學森在週四記者會上表示,他希望用戶騎上Eeyo 1,能夠重享年少時期純粹愉悅的騎乘感受。

“It’s an adrenaline time machine bringing back the pure joy of riding we all once had,” As Gogoro founder Horace Luke rightly puts at a press conference on Thursday.

The “Eeyo” only weigh 12 kg, or 26.4 pounds. (Courtesy of Gogoro)
The “Eeyo” only weigh 12 kg, or 26.4 pounds. (Courtesy of Gogoro)


Luke and Gogoro have taken a different approach entirely; they have made the bike light enough that you can just throw it over your shoulder and carry it up to your apartment.


It’s all carbon fiber, the seat post is eliminated, and the whole package is only 12 kg (26.4 pounds), insanely light for a full-size e-bike.

The controller to the bike is your phone. (Courtesy of Gogoro)
The controller to the bike is your phone. (Courtesy of Gogoro)


The motor, battery and sensors are housed in the SmartWheel, and connected to the pedals with a carbon fiber belt.

此外,你可以下載Eeyo App, 透過無線通訊技術與Eeyo Smartwheel 連結,而手機可以置放於兩端手把之間。到家後,只要架上「駐車充電器」即可順利充電。

There are no cables to a controller; you do that wirelessly to your smartphone which clips onto the handlebars. When you get it home, there is a very clever stand that charges the bike.

The motor, battery and sensors are housed in the SmartWheel, and connected to the pedals with a carbon fiber belt. (Courtesy of Gogoro)
The motor, battery and sensors are housed in the SmartWheel, and connected to the pedals with a carbon fiber belt. (Courtesy of Gogoro)


The only concern is the bike’s hefty price which has left many screaming “Eeyo.”


It’s not cheap at US$3,899 (NT$125,364), even though we can argue that it is built and priced like a sports car.

然而,相較於Gogoro S1的 10.6萬、Gogoro S2 ABS 7.7萬和Gogoro S3的6.4萬,這台「跑車」可以讓你輕鬆抬進家裡。

One that you can carry into your apartment, contrary to the equally fancy Gogoro S1 (NT$106,980), Gogoro S2 ABS (NT$77,980) or Gogoro S3 (NT$64,980).

The “Eeyo” is like an adrenaline time machine bringing back the pure joy of riding. (Courtesy of Gogoro)
The “Eeyo” is like an adrenaline time machine bringing back the pure joy of riding. (Courtesy of Gogoro)

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