新聞美語即時通 immersive 沉浸其中

今天我們要學的詞是 immersive. immersive is spelled immersive, immersive.

immersive 的意思是沉浸其中,身臨其境的。 A team of researchers came up with new immersive technologies that allow people from all over the world to experience performing arts in a breathtakingly beautiful setting without getting up from their couch. 一組研究人員開發出新的擬真技術,讓世界各地的人們可以坐在自己的沙發上體驗精美?倫的佈景中的表演藝術。

A new CBS television show “The Good Fight” is a political-based drama that is fully immersive in real-time politics, with plots that involve real-named individuals in the political circles in DC. 哥倫比亞廣播公司新推出的“The Good Fight”是一部完全以正在發生的政治事件為背景的政治性電視劇,故事情節涉及到華盛頓政界的真人真事。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 immersive, immersive, immersive...
