NBA熱火球星代言台灣乾麵 行善捐佛州萬份

<p>Miami Heat guard Duncan Robinson donated 10,000 packs of Taiwanese ramen noodles which he had endorsed to families in the U.S. on Dec. 12. (Courtesy of Duncan Robinson/Instagram)</p>

Miami Heat guard Duncan Robinson donated 10,000 packs of Taiwanese ramen noodles which he had endorsed to families in the U.S. on Dec. 12. (Courtesy of Duncan Robinson/Instagram)

【看CP學英文】美國職籃NBA邁阿密熱火球星羅賓遜(Duncan Robinson)不只百步穿楊神技令人讚賞,更在上週末捐贈一萬份由他代言的台灣乾麵給佛羅里達州民眾,慷慨善行傳為佳話。

Miami Heat guard Duncan Robinson donated 10,000 packs of Taiwanese ramen noodles which he had endorsed to families in the U.S. on Dec. 12.

美國體育娛樂消息網站TMZ報導,26歲的羅賓遜12日發揮施比受更有福的精神,他與台灣品牌「阿舍食品」合作,捐贈一萬份阿舍乾麵給南佛羅里達(South Florida)的民眾。

According to TMZ Sports, the 26-year-old partnered up with A-Sha Foods to donate 10,000 meals to families in need in the South Florida area.


According to a press release issued by A-Sha Foods, Robinson, who loves noodles, happened to buy A-Sha ramen noodles from a supermarket near the campus in 2013 while he was studying at the University of Michigan.

He has loved the noodles ever since. This year, Robinson contacted A-Sha Foods through his agent to express his intention to cooperate with them, and thus became the endorser of the brand.

TMZ報導指出,羅賓遜12日在佛州彭布羅克公園(Pembroke Park)捐贈他代言的產品,且親自發送阿舍乾麵。

TMZ reported that Robinson hand-delivered his contribution on Saturday in Pembroke Park.

阿舍食品新聞稿指出,羅賓遜2018年加盟熱火,如今是陣中先發,他的定點接球三分命中率高達46.2%,不只超越金州勇士的「浪花兄弟」柯瑞(Stephen Curry)與湯普森(Klay Thompson),更刷新NBA歷史紀錄,是新一代定點三分王。

Robinson joined the Heat in 2018 and is now in the starting lineup with a 46.2 three-point percentage on spot-up 3 pointers.

He is not one of the best spot-up 3-point shooters in the league.

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