ratchet up 請收聽新聞美語即時通

今天我們要學的詞是 ratchet up. Ratchet up is spelled ratchet, r-a-t-c-h-e-t, and u-p, up, ratchet up.

ratchet 是一種單向轉動的棘輪裝置,ratchet up 就是加壓、勒緊的意思。The United States ratchets up pressure on Venezuela, imposing sanctions and revoking the visas of high-ranking officials. 美國加大對委內瑞拉的壓力,對其實施制裁併取消其高級官員的簽證。

Venezuela expelled a group of visiting European lawmakers Sunday, ratcheting up political tensions over the leadership crisis. 委內瑞拉驅逐了一組來訪的歐洲醫院,加劇了該國領導人危機帶來的政治緊張局勢。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 ratchet up, ratchet up, ratchet up ….........以上新聞美語即時通由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,謝謝收聽。