
1.苗栗縣樂齡大學昨天(4)在聯合大學舉行結業典禮, 25位年齡加起來達1600歲的學員們,帶著年輕興奮的心參與結業。校長許銘熙一一頒發證書給這群平均年齡67歲的學員們,肯定他們活到老學到老、勤奮向學的精神。苗栗縣樂齡大學歡迎55歲以上,想體驗大學生活,或對樂齡大學有興趣的民眾踴躍報名參加。

Miao Li Province Senior College held the graduation ceremony in National United University yesterday. Twenty five students with a total of one thousand six hundred years old graduated with a youthful, excited heart. Principal Shu Min Ti awarded the graduation certificate to the students with an average age of sixty-seven in approval of their passion for learning. Miao Li Province Senior College welcomes everyone above fifty-five years old who want to experience senior college life to apply for the course.

2. 內政部公布新式戶口名簿。內政部次長蕭家淇表示,實行多年以人工註記的戶口名簿即將走入歷史,新式戶口名簿預計明年2月5號開始實施,具有替代戶籍謄本的功能;沒有強制規定民眾必須申請,但如果人口有變動,一定要申請,而且申請時要繳規費。

The Ministry of the Interior announced the new Household Certificate. The vice minister Hsiao Chia Chi stated that the Household Certificate that requires manual input will go into history after its long service. The new Household Certificate will be circulated starting from February 5th next year and it will also function as Household Registry. It is not required to apply for the new version, but if there are changes in the household, one must apply and pay the regulations fee.

3. 家扶基金會表示,臺灣每天有高達52位孩子遭受不當對待,全國更有高達50萬戶的家庭瀕臨高風險危機,導致孩子容易陷入家庭暴力威脅險中。為了幫助這些孩子遠離受虐危機,家扶基金會發起「用愛包圍受虐兒」募款活動,期盼社會大眾號召親朋好友集氣,一起支持「用愛包圍」行動!

The Taiwan Fund for Children and Families revealed that there are as many as fifty-two children who are treated violently every day, and there are five hundred thousand families that are under high risk of exposing children to violence. To help these children get away from the threat of violence, the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families started a funding campaign “Surrounding Abused Children with Love”, hoping that everyone will rally their friends and families to support abused children with love.

4. 流行病學者研究指出,消化性潰瘍與幽門螺旋桿菌有強烈關聯性;振興醫院胃腸肝膽科醫師陳鴻運表示,現代人生活壓力大、情緒不穩定、吃東西過快,很容易引起消化性潰瘍及胃食道逆流症,造成身體不適。醫師建議改善生活及飲食形態,才是根治腸胃疾病的最佳辦法。

Epidemic scholars pointed out that peptic ulcer disease and helicobacter pylori disease have strong connection. Cheng Hsin hospital Gastroenterologist Chen Hong Yun stated that people nowadays are often under pressure and fluctuating emotion, and they often eat food too fast. All these may lead to peptic ulcer disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease, nauseating the body. The doctor suggested changing the lifestyle and eating habit to solve the problem completely.

5. 復康巴士數量少,也很難預約,台北市今年二月,首創「無障礙計程車」,第一批10輛上路將近5個月,累計預約趟次,高達近五千次,供不應求,從即日開始,台北市公共運輸處再提供20輛無障礙計程車上路,希望年底前,台北市可以再增加100輛無障礙計程車。

There are little handicap-friendly buses, and it is hard to reserve one in advance. The Taipei city introduced the handicap-friendly taxi from February and the ten taxis have been on the road for five months with an accumulated five thousand trips due to popular demand. Starting from today, Taipei city will add twenty handicap-friendly taxis to meet the demand and hopefully another one hundred before the end of 2013.

6. 2015年起,英國中小學將可以自行決定學期開始和結束的時間。根據剛公布的「教育放鬆管制法案」,英國各地方政府不再有權力訂定中小學的假期時間,也就是各校統一的寒暑假將成為歷史。英國教育部發言人表示:最瞭解學校學生和家長的不是地方政府,而是學校老師,所以政府決定讓學校自行訂定學期和放假時間。

From 2015, English primary schools and junior high schools can decide for themselves the period and length of vacations. According to the new law on educational release, the English local governments no longer have the authority to set a strict time for schools to have vacation. The spokesperson for the English Ministry of Education stated that teachers understand the school’s pupils and parents better than the government, so it is only natural to let the teachers decide the best time for vacation.