
1. 教育部5歲幼兒免學費第二學期補助申請作業開始,家中有滿5歲幼兒將享有免學費補助,就讀公立園所入學時可以減免學費,每學期省下7000元;就讀私立園所每學期省1萬5000元;而經濟弱勢幼兒還有加額補助,請家長把握時間在4月15號以前申請補助。

The application for the program of providing children of age five cost-free tuition in the 2nd semester held by the Ministry of Education begin working. The families with five-year-old children can be benefited. Those who study in public kindergartens can save seven thousand dollars in each semester, and the ones who study in private kindergartens can save fifteen thousand dollars in each semester. Moreover, the children from less-privileged families can receive additional subsidy. The parents in need should apply for it before April 15th.

2. 101年度高級中等以下學校及幼稚園教師資格檢定考,將在3月18號舉行,共有9 537名考生報考。試務單位國立臺北教育大學提醒考生,從今天(1)上午10點起,可利用教師檢定考試網站自行列印准考證;如果需要修改個人資料,請在3月6號前傳真申請表,並撥打服務電話向試務行政組申請更正。

The examination for teachers’ qualification for kindergarten teachers and the teachers under senior high schools will take place on March 18th. Nine thousand five hundred thirty-seven people have applied for it. National Taipei University of Education which is responsible for the examination reminds test takers of making use of the website for the exam to download testing permit from today. Those who need to revise personal information should fax the application form and apply for correction by dialing the special telephone line before March 6th.

3. 為了提升國小學童英語閱讀能力,臺北市教育局出版英語和學生自行設計的英文圖書;其中,興隆國小老師羅家鸞和學生龔洵之,從八八風災的經驗出發,創作《Freddy the Fearless Friend》,還特地在書中加上生字注解,讓學生碰到生字時,除了圖片,也能學習單字。

To enhance the English reading ability of elementary school students, the Department of Education, Taipei City Government publishes an English books designed by English teachers and their students. Among the books, “Freddy the Fearless Friend” written by teacher of 興隆 elementary School 羅家鸞and the student 龔洵之 from their experiences of the typhoon disaster on August 8th is specially added explanatory notes for students to learn vocabulary with pictures.

4. 優勢互補、共創多贏,靜宜大學與逢甲大學昨天(29)簽訂策略聯盟,未來兩校資源共享,透過學術交流、校際合作,以專長領域互補,提供更優質與多元的教學與研究環境!同時為高等教育區域資源共享與整合締造新里程碑!

The complement of advantages may bring win-win situation. 靜宜 University signed a strategic alliance with 逢甲 University yesterday. In the future, both schools will share resources and cooperate with each other by academic exchange. With the complement of different fields, they hope to offer a teaching and researching environment with higher quality and more diversified elements. At the same time, the cooperation establishes a landmark for higher education districts on resource-sharing and integration.

5. 國內景美女中及南投高中拔河隊前進國際賽事,獲得佳績,讓國內推廣拔河運動的教練們也感到與有榮焉。在花蓮也有一群拔河愛好者,專門訓練國小的學童們,教練劉金英說,堅持不放棄是拔河選手不可或缺的心理素質,而全隊的向心力更是重要。

Taipei 景美 Girls High School and National 南投 Senior High School gain excellent result in international tug-of-war competitions which makes internal coaches who promote the exercise feel honored. In 花蓮, there are a group of tug-of-war hobbyists who specially provide elementary school students special training. The coach 劉金英 says unremittingly persevering is one of indispensable mental qualities for a play of tug of war. Besides, the team coherence is even more important.

6. 為了更貼近民意,臺東縣議會除了增加辦理「民意論壇」場次,還將成立臉書(facebook)專頁,議長饒慶鈴說,未來,鄉親對縣政有任何意見,只要在臉書上提出,議會就列為民議論壇討論選項,讓地方參與縣政,充份表達地方聲音,具體成為縣府施政後盾。

To realize more about people’s opinions, 臺東 County Council increases the number of showings of the forums for public opinion as well as establishes a website on facebook. The director of the council 饒慶鈴 says people who have any suggestion relating to the county policies can leave messages on the facebook. The council will gather the suggestions and include them in the discussion of forums. It hopes to let locals participate in county policies, completely express what they think and then concretely become supporters of it.