
1. 推動校園反毒,教育部開發完成「防制學生藥物濫用補充教材─高中職篇」,並建置教材網站,內容包含:健康身心與物質濫用、認識藥物濫用、拒絕毒品的策略、藥物濫用輔導與戒治等四篇,16 章節的補充教材也搭配教案、學習單及真實案例,可以做為高中職學校老師辦理教學活動參考。

In order to fight drugs making their way into the campus, the Ministry of Education

developed and completed the “Expanded Guidebook on the Prevention of Drug Abuse for

High School”. A website is also built with contents including the misuse of materials,

mental and bodily health, knowledge of drug abuse, strategies to reject drugs, and guidance

and punishment for drug abuse, categorized into four units. The sixteen chapters can also

be used complemented with lesson plans, learning sheets, and actual cases, making it a

good reference for high school teachers.

2. 英國泰晤士報高等教育專刊公布2013 年亞洲前100 名最佳大學排行榜,臺灣有17所大學上榜,在亞洲僅次於日本的22 所;也以國立臺灣大學排名最好,名列第14 名。教育部長蔣偉寧表示,這項評比可以做參考,重點是學校要加強辦學和研究。

England Newspaper “The Times” published the top 100 universities in Asia of the year

2013. Of the 100, 17 universities are from Taiwan, which comes only after Japan with 22.

The head of the 17 is National Taiwan University ranked at 14th in Asia. The Premier of

the Ministry of Education Chiang Wei Ning stated that this rating can be seen as a

eference, but what’s most important is the continued endeavor and research done by each

individual university.

3. 北韓揚言發射導彈,朝鮮半島情勢緊張!我國外交部表示,駐韓代表處都密切掌握相關情勢做各項評估,目前對南韓旅遊警示燈號,暫時維持提醒注意的「灰色」,不過,建議國人暫緩到韓國旅遊、求學或洽商。

The missile threat of North Korea is putting the Korean Peninsula into tension.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that our Taiwanese ambassador in Korea is

making careful evaluations of all the news regarding the current situation. As of

ight now, South Korea is not an ideal choice for tourism as the current tourism

alert code for Korea is grey. All citizens are advised to delay any tour, exchange, or

business with Korea.

4. 為了提供計程車職業駕駛,免費職業病健康檢查服務,臺北市交通局從3 月1 號受理報名,已經有600 多人報名參加檢查,目前還有1300 個檢查名額。交通局提醒設籍臺北市的計程車駕駛,把握免費健檢機會,為自己的健康把關。

In order to provide Taxi drivers with a career sickness examination service, the Taipei city

Department of Transportation is accepting applications from March 1st. Up till now,

around 600 have applied for the check-up, and there are 1300 remaining quota. The

Department of Transportation reminds all taxi drivers registered in Taipei city to make

the best out of this free health check-up to protect their health.

5. 今年母親節假日,台灣高鐵將從5 月10 號起到13 號,南北加開30 班列車,總計4天開出576 班列車,旅客可以從4 月13 號凌晨零點起,透過便利商店、網路、手機和語音等訂位系統,或在各車站預購來回車票。母親節疏運期間仍然維持自由座服務,也適用「早鳥優惠」。

This year with the Mother’s day holiday, the Taiwan High Speed Railway will add 30

more trains North and South daily from May 10th to 13th, amounting up to 576 total trains

in service during the four days. Travelers can book tickets starting from April 13th through

convenience stores, the Internet, mobile devices, voice booking, or simply book them at

the train station. There will still be free seating service in the period of the holiday and the

Early Bird discount is also available.

6. 社群網站龍頭臉書(Facebook)在全球擁有超過10 億用戶,許多人透過臉書與朋友互通有無,但是心理學家說,臉書好友還是無法取代真實世界的朋友!英國徹斯特大學(University of Chester)資深講師羅伯茲(Sam Roberts)表示:「彼

此關係仰賴的是溝通的品質,比起把時間耗費在臉書上,使用Skype 甚至更能提升我們的溝通品質。」

Social networking website Facebook has over a billion users over the world. Although

many users uses Facebook to communicate with friend, Psychology experts believes that

Facebook friends cannot replace real-life friends. Senior lecturer Sam Roberts of England

University of Chester states that relationships come from the quality of communication.

Instead of wasting time on Facebook, using Skype could achieve a better quality
