
<p>「屏東海生館」推出全新必拍打卡點「色水廊道」 | National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung (屏東海生館) has launched a new must-see exhibition, “Colorful Water Corridor.” (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)</p>

「屏東海生館」推出全新必拍打卡點「色水廊道」 | National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung (屏東海生館) has launched a new must-see exhibition, “Colorful Water Corridor.” (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)

【看CP學英文】Taipei Walker報導,「屏東海生館」推出全新必拍打卡點「色水廊道」,全長34公尺的繽紛主展區,要讓大小朋友拍到不想回家、拍到社群IG滿滿的網美照。

The National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung (屏東海生館) has launched a new must-see exhibition, “Colorful Water Corridor,” featuring a variety of colorful marine lives, running from now until March 1.


A 34-meter-long “Colorful Water Corridor” boasting colorful sea creatures allows children and adults to learn about ocean animals’ beauty and the background behind each of them.

「海洋本色」活動,集結七種不同色系鮮豔亮麗海洋生物。 | <span>A 34-meter-long “Colorful Water Corridor” boasts colorful sea creatures. (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)</span>
「海洋本色」活動,集結七種不同色系鮮豔亮麗海洋生物。 | A 34-meter-long “Colorful Water Corridor” boasts colorful sea creatures. (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)


Among them, the lima scabra, also known as the flame scallop, shines with glowing light in its bright red tentacles like a flame in the ocean.

The lima scabra, also known as the flame scallop, shines with glowing light in its bright red tentacles like a flame in the ocean. (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)
The lima scabra, also known as the flame scallop, shines with glowing light in its bright red tentacles like a flame in the ocean. (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)


Picturesque dragonet, a brightly colored fish, is the favorite of photographers. Its patterned body resembles the gorgeous royal costumes which appear in the series set in Qing Dynasty.


Not to be missed are the famous movie star Nemo, the clownfish that protects the queen like a royal guard.

It represents the color of the “royal orange.”


In addition, the new exhibition features “Ocean Painting Wall,” where the young and the young at heart can pick up some washable colored pens prepared on-site and paint the wall with their imagination.

屏東海生館也特別加碼規劃了「海洋彩繪牆」| T<span>he new exhibition features “Ocean Painting Wall.” (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)</span>
屏東海生館也特別加碼規劃了「海洋彩繪牆」| The new exhibition features “Ocean Painting Wall.” (Courtesy of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung)

屏東海生館「海洋本色」期間限定活動 | National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung temporary exhibition “Colorful Water Corridor”
活動期間:2021/1/23-3/1 | Date: Jan. 23-March 1

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