
【看CP學英文】近十年,各大社群網路颳起一陣分享「網美照」風潮,許多人到了景點不惜排隊就為了要拍到空無一人的壯觀場景。有鑑於此,紐西蘭觀光局去年疫情爆發封鎖邊境時,發起名為「 Do Something New(做點新鮮的吧) 活動,旨在呼籲大家不要再湧入網美景點拍照,並鼓勵人們多嘗試其他遊憩活動。

In the last decade, there has been a trend of sharing “Instagrammable photos” on social media, and many people usually queue up at scenic spots to get a spectacular picture.

Against this backdrop, New Zealand’s tourism agency launched a campaign called “Do Something New,” which aimed at urging people to stop flocking to the scenic spots to take pictures under social influence.

Meanwhile, the agency encourages people to try other recreational activities in the country.


According to BBC, as social influence has grown more important, many of New Zealand’s popular scenic spots have seen crowds of people lining up in recent years to take influencer-style pictures.

Tourists strike old-fashioned poses on the cliffs, such as “summit spreadeagle.”

紐西蘭觀光局國內旅遊經理比恩∙斯普裡策(Bjoern Spreitzer) 向當地媒體表示:「紐西蘭有非常多好玩的活動,遠超過這些社群流行風潮。」

“There are so many incredible things to do in New Zealand, beyond the social trends,” Bjoern Spreitzer, Tourism NZ domestic manager, told a local news outlet.

A woman looking at the beautiful landscape of the mountains and Lake Wanaka. Roys Peak Track, South Island, New Zealand. (Shutterstock)
A woman looking at the beautiful landscape of the mountains and Lake Wanaka. Roys Peak Track, South Island, New Zealand. (Shutterstock)

有鑑於此,紐西蘭觀光局近日發表一則影片,影片找來諧星 Tom Sainsbury扮演「社會觀察小隊」中的管理員,專阻止遊客拍攝IG網美照片。

Under the campaign, New Zealand’s tourism agency recently released a video in which Tom Sainsbury, a comedian, plays a lone ranger in a “social observation squad” to stop tourists from taking Instagrammable photos.

當Sainsbury看到一位男子在山上展開雙臂擺Pose拍照,他上前說道: 「這些我早就看到了,我們都看了。」

“There are so many incredible things to do in New Zealand, beyond the social trends,” Bjoern Spreitzer, Tourism NZ domestic manager, told local news.


The creative video has received praises as soon as it was released. New Zealand has many popular attractions, such as the tree in Lake Wanaka and Roys Peak.


In 2018, someone captured a photo of a long line of people waiting to take pictures in front of Roys Peak’s cliffs.

The photos went viral on social media and made people think about the chaos caused by the influence of social media.

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