
1. 教育部100年閩南語語言能力認證考試,今天(19)上午9點開放線上查榜,考試依據考試分數採6個級別分級,教育部表示,今年11歲到20歲的考生中,有51位達到中高級以上的程度,可說是未來閩南語傳承的希望種子;另外,現職老師達到中高級以上的有695人;想要申請成績複查,可在12月26號前辦理。

Test result for the certificate of the Taiwanese language proficiency exam can be searched on-line from 9:00 a.m. today. The exam is categorized into six levels in accordance with the scores. The Ministry of Education points out there are 51 test takers in between the ages of 11 and 20 reaching the high-intermediate level this year, and these people will become the seed to pass on the linguistic culture of the Taiwanese language. In addition, 695 test takers whose profession is teacher reach the high-intermediate level. For those who would like to re-examine their exam result, they can do so before 26 Dec.

2. 新北市文化局昨天(18)舉辦「文化志工年終感恩大會」,當中最年長的志工是新莊文化藝術中心的張日河,今年83歲,他說,對社會有貢獻,就是一件最有意義的事;他建議平常參觀藝文展覽時,不要急著聽導覽,先逛個幾回,找出自己最喜歡的作品,再深入瞭解,會更有樂趣。

Yesterday, the Cultural Affairs Department of the New Taipei City held an activity to express their gratitude to the cultural volunteers. Among all the volunteers, Chang, Ri-ho (張日河), 83 years old, the oldest volunteer from the Xinzhuang Culture and Arts Center, says that the most meaningful thing is to contribute to the society. He suggests those who visit the art exhibitions, on the other hand, do not need to listen to the audio tour first. It is more fun to look around, choose their favorite pieces and then appreciate them deeply by the audio introductions.

3. 肺癌名列國人十大癌症之首,臺大醫院新竹分院胸腔科主任柯政昌表示,肺癌初期沒有症狀,當患者出現咳嗽、胸悶、胸痛、骨頭疼痛等症狀時,8成的患者發現時已是晚期,但能手術治療的只有10%;因此如果身體出現咳嗽異常、痰色轉變、呼吸會喘、體重減輕等症狀,就要儘快到醫院檢查。

Lung cancer is the number one killer among the top ten cancers over here in Taiwan. Ke, jeng chang, (柯政昌) Chief Surgeon of Chest from the National Taiwan University Hospital Hsinchu Branch expresses that the early stage of lung cancer has no symptoms. When patients’ symptoms such as coughing, chest stuffy, chest pain, bone ache and so on appear, 80% of them are already at the terminal stage with only 10% can be operated. Therefore, if symptoms like abnormal coughing, phlegm, as well as breathing and the decrease of body weight, etc appear, such people are recommended to perform medical examinations at the hospitals as soon as possible.

4. 交通部昨天(18)表示,臺北捷運新莊線大橋頭站到輔大站,履勘作業完成,履勘小組共提出18項必須改善的事項,其中4項是「營運前必須改善」,包括有出入口人行道工程廢料要清除、圖示英譯、逃生指標以及部分指示標示不足,4項要改善完成並報部核准後,才能決定通車日期。

The Ministry of Transportation and Communication expressed yesterday that the Taiepi MRT from Daqiaotou and Fu Jen University station on the Xinzhuang line’s final examination work was finished. The examination crew mentions 18 items needed to be improved. Four of them must be improved before the MRT operates officially. These include the depletion of construction waste on the pathway and exits, English translation for the routes and graphics, evacuation guide and the insufficient amount of certain directions. Only after these four flaws are mended and approved can the date of operation of this line be finalized.

5. 最新一期「美國公共衛生雜誌」報導,醫學研究發現,食品標籤如果加註「需要跑步幾分鐘才能消耗熱量」,而不是只註明卡路里,將可讓青少年減少購買含糖飲料的效果。約翰霍普金斯大學副教授布萊許指出,雖然這項研究只針對非洲裔青少年,但從研究結果可以看出將訊息簡單呈現,可能在不同的年齡或族群,獲得良好的效果。

According to the latest report in the American Journal of Public Health, the medical research discovers that if the food is labeled with “It requires a few minutes’ jogging to consume the calories consumed,” instead of the mere calories indication, then the teenagers would refrain from purchasing beverage added with sugar. Associate professor Sara Bleich from Johns Hopkins University points out that although this research is aimed at African-American teenagers, the result shows when messages are delivered in an explicit way, then the message can reach satisfactory results among different age or ethnic groups.