俄羅斯參賽者苦求被淘汰 落選後開心發文「終於下班」

<p>Russian artist Vladislav Ivanov, also known as “Lelush” (利路修), is reportedly awaiting the day fans of the show votes him off. (Photo courtesy of Weibo via NOWnews)</p>

Russian artist Vladislav Ivanov, also known as “Lelush” (利路修), is reportedly awaiting the day fans of the show votes him off. (Photo courtesy of Weibo via NOWnews)


Usually, people go on talent shows in the hopes of making it big and continuing on in the competition to get the gold.

However, Russian artist Vladislav Ivanov, also known as “Lelush” (利路修) was eagerly awaiting the day fans of the show would vote him off.

According to foreign media reports, he first joined the Chinese show “Produce Camp 2021” but soon found it tiring and stressful.

In the hopes of being voted off, he lagged behind most performances but ironically made fans support him even more, voting him again and again to the next level.

Having reiterated his desire to be voted off, he was happily granted “freedom” recently to which he celebrated by claiming he can finally “get off work.”


Lelush was originally a translation teacher but was discovered by the talent show for his astonishingly good looks.

After participating in the show for a few episodes, he came to realize that rehearsals were extremely tiring and found that he had no passion in embarking on the road to fame.

Wanting desperately to go home, he began giving off an indifferent attitude and even went as far as to not wash his hair in the hopes that fans of the show would vote him off.

His indifferent attitude backfired and fans of the show began voting enthusiastically for him to stay on. (Photos courtesy of Weibo via NOWnews)
His indifferent attitude backfired and fans of the show began voting enthusiastically for him to stay on. (Photos courtesy of Weibo via NOWnews)

However, his unique disposition attracted even more fans who decided to “help” him by keeping him on the show and continuously voted for him.


As the show came to an end on Sunday, Lelush was voted off the “boy band” and happily posted on his personal account, “Thank you, everyone! I can finally get off work.”


Lelush had previously stated numerous times his desire to be voted off. He even commented that there were many more talented individuals on the show and asked fans to stop voting him to the next level.

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